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Neverwinter Nights | jany_kate | 7


As the leader licked miserably at the halfling's cunt - giving her the tongue-lashing of her life if her reluctant moans were any sign to judge by - C'ock turned to survey the two remaining undefiled party members. The elven woman gave him a defiant look, but the human cleric cringed beneath his critical gaze.

He stepped forward, tugging the hood back from her face before giving her a cruel smile. "So, my dear... which god do you serve?"

Her voice shook slightly as she answered, "I am a priestess of Tymora."

The drow tilted his head back, laughing. "No longer... now you serve C'ock, little priestess." He grabbed her breasts, massaging them roughly through the cloth of her robe. "Say it, little slut... tell me that you serve C'ock."

She shook her head, keeping her lips pressed tight together. He tightened his grip on her breasts, until she screwed her face up in a grimace of pain. Leaning in close, he hissed, "I'm giving you a choice, cunt. Say it, and I'll only fuck your pussy... and I'll let you drool over my cock first to ease the passage... don't say it, and I fuck your dry ass until it's torn and bleeding. So... which will it be?"

She dropped her head, trying to look away, but one of his hands moved up, grabbing her chin, squeezing it painfully as he lifted her face to his, staring piercingly into her soft brown eyes. His voice low and taunting, he asked again, "Which will it be?"


Which will it be?

          I Serve C'Ock


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