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Snatched! | RobinRestless | 2


When their planned target came out of the health club, the men were disappointed. She was with another young woman. However, after talking together for a couple of moments, the pair separated. The second woman got into a car driven by an older man that had just pulled up at the curb. Their young target proceeded alone across the parking lot to the back corner where she had parked her old car. While they were waiting, Kyle had moved the RV closer to the target's car and positioned it in a way that it blocked any view of the car from the health club.

The young woman almost skipped across the lot. She appeared to be singing. Her bounce and spirit were, in addition to her perfect figure, the factors that lead the men to choose her over any other prey. She reached her car. As she reached down to unlock the door, Andy and Slim moved up on her quickly. She never saw them approaching until Andy showed her his handgun. She froze in shock. Slim grabbed her by the elbows and half-lifted her into the open door of the RV. Andy climbed in after them, closed the door, and yelled to Kyle. The engine was already running. In a couple of minutes Kyle had maneuvered the large RV out of the parking lot and onto the nearby freeway.

The girl, cowering in the corner couch in the back of the RV, was in a state of panic. She stammered and flitted and sobbed. Slim, seeing the need to calm her down, put the gun away and sat in one of the easy chairs. "Look, honey," he spoke slowly and calmly, "we're not going to hurt you. Just do what your told and everything will be alright."

Slim's extensive experience and success in the seduction of women frequently depended upon his ability to win their confidence. The young girl calmed down, although she was still visibly scared; her eyes darted from man to man; she knew this was a bad situation.

"I'm Slim and this is Andy. What's your name?"

"Amy. Amy Bridger. Please don't hurt me, Let me out and I'll never say a word about any of this," she pleaded.

"Yup, that right," Andy chipped in, "Amy Marie Bridger, aged 20, a sophomore at Valley State, and a resident of Howell Hall." Andy had search Amy's backpack and had pulled out her wallet. "I see your parents live in Saint Louis."

"Here Amy, have a soda." Slim handed the girl a Diet Coke. She noticed that it was an unopened can. At least they weren't trying to drug her. She opened the can and took a drink. Her throat was dry from fear.

"What do you want from me?" Amy was confused as well as frightened. If these guys were going to rape her, why were they being so nice?

"Well," Andy laughed, "we really just want to get to know you a bit."

"Do you like Valley State? What's your major? Do you have a roommate? What's her name and where is she from?" Slim let off a barrage of questions.

Amy didn't know what to do. She tended to talk too much when she got nervous and she was way past nervous here. "School, yea, it's great. I like the small campus and the way you get to know lots of people. I'm majoring in art, but I really want to try acting."

"You look like you'd do well in theatre. What kind of art do you like to work on?" Slim was a master at disarming conversation.

"Oh, thanks. I really like watercolors and clay sculpturing. They're both so tactile," Amy couldn't believe she was telling them so much about herself, but she just couldn't stop talking.

"You know," Slim returned to his questioning, "I asked about your roommate. Do you have any?"

Amy actually smiled, "Oh, yea, Susan. We've roomed together for two years. Last year was by chance, but we got to be such good friends that we requested the same room this year. She's a music major, so we have a lot in common."

"And where is Susan from?" Slim had good reason for this question.

"Her folks live in Chicago. She actually went home to visit them this weekend. She promised to bring back some real Chicago pizza."

"Yeah, that stuff is good," Slim smiled. With her roommate gone there was a good chance no one would miss Amy for a while.

"What about boyfriends? An smart girl like you must have s steady or ever a fianc�e?" Slim knew he was pushing the boundaries now, but he was really on a roll.

"No, nothing like that. I guess we have a few friends that hang out together, but nothing serious or steady. I'm really focused on school and sports."

"Sports!" Andy's ears had perked up at the word. "You play any sport at school?"

"I'm on the varsity volleyball team. I was a starter as a freshman. Last year we won the Mid-Central Conference. I also do a lot of swimming; I was on the varsity in high school, but now I just swim for fun and to keep in shape."

Slim, who was looking through the wallet he had taken from Andy, cut in, "I see you have a card from the Neumann Center. Are you a Catholic too?" Slim was not a Catholic, but lying was often part of the game.

"Yes. Yes I am!" There was actually a spark in Amy's voice as she thought she might have a friend here. At least someone who shared the same beliefs.

"Are you a good Catholic girl?" Slim probed deeper.

"Well, I guess I am. I mean try to be. I go to church almost every Sunday and I work in soup kitchen every month."

"You know, you shouldn't put your swim suit and towel in a plastic bag when they are still wet." Andy held up the two items he had found in Amy's backpack. "Very nice suit. I see you are a size 8."

"Please leave that alone," Amy pleaded softly; Andy was creepy.

Andy held up the swimsuit, "Size 8, full figured. Very nice. And what do we have here?" Andy put his hand back into the backpack and pulled out two other garments. "I see you left your panties and bra in your bag." He held up the matching light blue undergarments. "Size 38 C; I guess you are full figured."

"That's enough," Slim cut off Andy, "can't you see she's a good girl. Now go up and visit Kyle."

Andy smiled at Amy as he got up from his seat. He took two sodas up to the front of the RV and sat with Kyle.

Slim continued his small talk with Amy. They talked about Amy's little brother and her pets and the camping trips she liked to take in the summer; everything and nothing.

A little less than three hours after the capture, Kyle turned the RV off of the highway, proceeded down several country roads, and then slowly moved up a private dirt road leading to his cabin. Slim stayed with Amy in the RV while Kyle and Andy, started up the generator, unloaded their supplies, and turned on the heat in the cabin. Once everything was unloaded Slim invited Amy to join them in the cabin. Amy's terror began to rise again, but she followed the bigger men.

Slim offered Amy a glass of wine, which she quickly accepted. A few sips seemed to relax her. Slim continue talking with her in the rustic living room while his buddies prepared dinner. Amy was more confused that ever. What were these guys up to? Why had they taken her?

They sat at the heavy lodge table and eat a well-prepared steak dinner. The meat was prime, tender and blood rare. Amy, her stomach nervous, ate small mouthfuls as she drank more wine. The men talked about sports and college days. They frequently asked Amy about how things had changed in the ten or twelve years since they had finished college. When dinner was finished Andy cleared the table except for the four wine glasses they were using.

Once the four were sitting again, Kyle looked intently at Amy. "Amy. Slim tells me that you are a really nice girl. I'm glad to hear that. It's a wonderful combination to be smart, beautiful, and pleasant. Now tell me, are you a natural blonde?"

Amy's mouth gaped open. She couldn't believe the question. For a moment she forgot her situation. She looked at her friend, Slim, and declared, "Your friend doesn't have great manners. In fact he is rather crude."

Slim got up and moved behind Amy. "You know, you are right. It's a crude question." Slim helped Amy to her feet. She swayed a bit. She knew that she should not have had any wine. Suddenly the world changed. Slim grabbed Amy by the hips, lifted her easily, and laid her down across the large, heavy, wooden table. On her back, Amy could see the support beams of the cabin and the thick wooden ceiling. She was aware that the four men were now on their feet and had surrounded her.

"But, Amy," Slim's tone was noticeably changed, "we all want to know the answer to that question and several more!"

Slim reached down and grabbed the waistband of her sweatpants. Kyle, who was standing over her head, grabbed her wrists and pulled them up over her head and then down flat against the tabletop. In one, strong and steady pull Slim stripped the sweatpants from Amy's hips and down her legs. They got caught in he sneakers, but the strong man pulled those off and then finished stripping her pants.

Because she was still damp, she rarely wore underwear after swimming. This was one of those times. Slim grabbed her ankles and spread her legs wide across the table. "Well, Kyle, I win the bet. She sure is a natural!"

Andy reached across the table and began stroking the light colored patch of hair above her pussy. "Shoot," he exclaimed, "it's soft and fine like baby's hair."

"Well, Amy," Kyle smirked, "we've solved one mystery. Let's see what other secrets you have." With that he released her wrists and grabbed the bottom of her sweatshirt. Despite Amy's struggles, he quickly pulled off Amy's final garment. The three men stood silent admiring the beauty that lay in front of them. Amy barely had the chance to rise up when the three men dropped down on her in unison.

Kyle began licking and kissing the young girl's neck and shoulders; his hands reached down and massaged and kneeled the girl's wonderful breasts. Andy dropped his head and latched onto Amy's left breast. His tongue began a vigorous assault on her nipple and tender flesh. Slim, still holding the girl's legs apart, bent over and plunged his tongue against her tight, closed slit. He rubbed his face from side to side, his nose probed the opening, and his tongue attacked the covering that hid Amy's clit.

The relentless assault continued for what seem like forever to Amy. She felt woozy from the wine. Soon her nipples grew hard and stiff; the tongue and fingers tormenting them were causing strange sensations in the pit of her stomach. Worst of all, Slim, the one she had actually trusted, was using his tongue to explore and open places no person, other than her doctor, had ever seen, no less touched. Amy felt her pussy begin to open as sticky fluid began leaking from her slit. As soon as the hot fluid appeared, Slim lapped it up with his hungry tongue. Amy felt a quiver rip through her body as Slim began a new and more vigorous assault on her clit, which had grown hard and more tender than she ever experienced.

Slim let his lip capture the now swollen clit and hold it tight. His tongue began lashing the tender button from side to side and up and down. He ran circles around to delicate tissue with the tip of his tongue and then sucked it down hard. Amy felt Slim's hand move slowly but surely up her leg and over her thigh. As he drove her clit into an unknown frenzy, he slid two fingers up into her wet, open slit.

"Please, Slim, don't. Please don't do this!" She begged and pleaded from deep in her soul.

Slim's fingers continue pushing into her pussy. He began stroking them in and out in short, slow strokes. His motion created more sticky fluid between her legs. She could feel the hot liquid flow down her slit and down her over her tight ass. She was sure that she was leaking all over the table. Slim's fingers pushed deeper, then they stopped.

"Oh, damn," he lifted his head from Amy's pussy. His face was coated with her sticky juice. "You really are a good Catholic girl. Fellas, you are in the presence of a rare treasure, a 20 year old virgin beauty."

"A soon to be ex-virgin," Andy taunted as he resumed his oral assault on Amy's tits.


And now what?

          One of the boys sports wood for a friend

          In the morning, a dangerous offer


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