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Assexomon | xilef | 4


“Enter” the gruff voice of Professor Caldwell calls. With a sigh, and a deep breath Tammy opened the door en entered the study. Caldwell was sitting behind his desk, but Tammy couldn't see much; the sun was shining right through the windows behind the Professor, bathing her in sunlight, but making a dark silhouette of the ‘old pervert’.

He looked up from the book he was reading. Following school etiquette, Tammy waited for him to invite her in. “Well, come in, miss Falster,” he says, his voice a little lighter, a little amused “and close the door behind you” he went on after she dared to step in the room. She closed the door, a little awkward because of the large book under her arm.

“Yes?” the dark silhouette asked, “come closer, I don’t want to shout at you.” Swallowing a lump away Tammy walked over to his clustered desk. His room was filled with bookcases, books, scrolls, papers, parchments etcetera. Standing closer to the desk and squeezing her eyes against the direct sunlight, more of his features became visible. His glasses rested at the tip of his nose and he was looking over the rim, and not at Tammy’s face, but a little lower. A pleased smile on his face.

“How can I help you?” he asked, licking his lips, without looking up from her titties. “Well, professor,” Tammy started with a dry mouth “I have this book” she lifted the book, showing it to the professor, “but I can’t find out what language it is. And I thought, maybe, …” “Maybe I can figure it out” he filled in, briefly looking at her face. He beckoned her the come around the desk “show it to me, miss Falster, and I’ll have a look.”

Tammy walked around the desk, and, standing next to him, placed the book before him on the desk. With a tip of his finger, the professor flipped open the book. “A ha!” he exclaimed, looking briefly at Tammy’s breast “so you’ve found the Assexomon! Well, that’s a pleasant surprise!”


Why is it a surprise?

          Professor Caldwell uses the book to transform Tammy into a sex slave.

          Tammy feels some changes


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