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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 22


Dawn was unkindly pushed back into the room where her mother furiously masturbated.

“There now that you’ve got an eighteen-year-old body why don't you enjoy it.” The host sneered at her.

Joyce moaned and continued the work her pussy. Dawn glanced at her mom before she turned back to the host.

“What about my Mom? You said that she could stop doing that when we got back.”

“Then stop her. Just kneel in front of her and kiss her pussy.”

Anything Dawn was about to say was cut off as the host held up his palm pilot. With a scowl she knelt in front of her mother and slowly leaned forward.

Dawn was a little surprised when Joyce’s hands suddenly shot out and grabbed her head. Within moments Joyce had her daughter’s face buried in her cunt. Dawn would have pulled back but the pulses of pleasure from her collar scattered her thoughts.


Faith laid back and chuckled as Buffy checked out everything for an escape route or possible weapon.

“Give it up B. I really doubt that they’d leave us anything we could use.”

“At least I’m trying!” Buffy snapped at her.

Faith just rolled her eyes at Buffy’s attitude. “Don’t get your panties in a twist. There’s no need to be a bitch.”

Buffy gasped at the pulse her collar released at that word. “Don’t call me that.”

“What ‘bitch‘?” Faith smirked as Buffy gasped again. “I suppose I could call you a ‘bimbo’ instead.”

The pulse Buffy received nearly knocked her off her feet. “Shut up you slut!”

It was Faith’s turn to gasp. “Don’t tell me to shut up you bimbo!”

They went back and forth for nearly ten minutes. By the end Buffy had ripped her shirt open and squeezed her breast in between names while Faith had her pants off and had her fingers in her snatch.


Tara timidly looked at the exotic clothing in the closet. She was interrupted from her thoughts when Anya came and pulled her out of the bedroom.

“Come on! You have to check this out!”

Anya pulled her to the TV and turned it on one of the porno films constantly playing. “Now just watch for a minute.”

Tara felt a blush creep up her cheeks as she watched a buxom brunet get fucked doggy style. After a minute or two she felt her collar start to send out small pulses of pleasure. She looked over at Anya nervously.

“I have to say these collars are amazing. When we do or say what they want there is a reward. If they weren’t tools to brainwash us they’d be great item to market.”

Tara turned back to the porno and sighed at the feelings from the collar. “S-Shouldn’t we try to find a home?”

Anya’s breathing had increased with the sensations from her own collar. “Not much we can do. We’re in completely different dimension. We just have to wait and see if Xander or Giles can find the one were in.”

On the screen the brunet pulled back and got a blast of cum across her face. With this scene both girls quietly moaned at the surge from the collar.


What awaits them next?

          On with the game


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