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Snatched! | RobinRestless | 1


The three men in the back of the bar had had too much to drink. The cocktail waitress brought them another round anyway; in spite of their crude language and wandering hands, they were really good tippers. Besides, they were regulars and she had balled each of them at least once in the past and she knew that, even drunk, they each could fuck up a storm.

But the three men really weren't thinking bout fucking, at least not now. They were celebrating Andy's divorce, which had been settled today. Just now, they planned to get drunk and put down women. Maybe later their minds would turn to fucking.

The three men, all in their mid-30's had been high school and college buddies and had remained close in their Mid-Western small town. They regularly played basketball at the Y together, were on the same softball team sponsored by this very bar every summer, hunted and fished together, got drunk together, and, occasionally, chased women in a pack. Just last month the three had taken a four-day trip to Vegas where they drank, gambled, and found some hot and willing women. The last night of their vacation found the three men with two women in their suite. The three shared the women all night long.

Andy was the one celebrating his divorce. After ten years of marriage and two kids his wife had decided that she needed "more space" in her life. She got the house, the new car, and half of the money and an agreement to share the kids. Luckily for the 34-year-old Andy, his father still officially owned the car dealership that he and his brother ran. Andy was still well set financially. Andy was a bear of a man; he stood almost 6 feet tall, which actually made him the shortest of the three, but he carried 250 pounds of hard muscle on his wide frame. He had been a terror on the football field in high school and college; he had considered the pro's but he knew that he's never be more than a back-up player and he didn't want that. In high school his teammates had tagged him "Bull", not only for the ferocious way he played defense but also for his frightening cock, which, when erect, stood almost a foot in height and which was as thick as a beer can.

The second of the trio was the tallest and most talkative. Slim, whose given name was Robert, a name no one ever used, had been first team All-State and second team All-American in basketball. At 6" 4" he still dominated their games at the Y. Skinny in high school, he had never put on very much weight. Even today, at the age of 35, he only carried 180 pounds on his tall frame. Slim, who ran a successful business insurance agency, enjoyed women too much to ever settle down with one. He was almost as well equipped as his buddy, Andy; his cock was an impressive 10" in length, although it was unusually thin (reflecting Slim's own body). Slim had a well-deserved reputation as an experienced and accomplished cock's man.

Kyle was the third member of the group. An outstanding quarterback in high school and college, he had actually played one season of semi-pro football. Standing 6" 2", Kyle was still a physical marvel. He worked out daily and his efforts showed in his rock hard stomach and muscular body. Kyle, who had always been the unofficial leader of the trio, had started a small investment company, made a fortune in tech stocks, and then, due to his cautious nature, had gotten out before the market turned south. He still worked for a few wealthy clients and a financial advisor and estate planner, but he worked for the challenge, not the money. Kyle was still married to the college cheerleader whose heart he had won fifteen years earlier. They had three kids under ten; his wife was more than happy raising the kids and spending Kyle's money. If she knew about her husband's extra-curricular activities, she ignored them. Although his buddies both possessed bigger cocks, Kyle's 8" shaft was still impressive and he knew how to use it well.

Sitting there in the bar, it was Kyle who hatched the scheme.

The three men had long-standing plans to go hunting for a week starting Friday. Kyle owned a cabin and almost 300 acres of wooded land about four hours drive from town. They all went up there together three of four times a year. In the summer, Kyle took the wife and kids. Kyle suggested that they find some "company" to keep them entertained during their hunting trip. The three began discussing possibilities but, in time, they decided that they needed some element of danger in this adventure. Although they were drunk, they were well aware of what they planned.

An hour later, at closing time, the three left for home. The waitress decided that Andy needed comfort after his trying day, so he accompanied him to his new apartment.

The next evening, which was Wednesday, the three got together to make the final arrangements for their trip. Kyle actually had all of the logistics finished (food, beer, liquor) and packed in his lavish RV, which they would use for the trip to the cabin. Slim announced that he had found the perfect place to "go hunting" for their company. Now sober, the three discussed the scheme again and decided that they would go forward with the plan.

A few minutes after 4 on Friday afternoon the three buddies had settled into their selected observation site. Parked at the edge of the local mall's large parking lot the three men had a perfect vantage site to observe women entering and leaving an up-scale women's health and fitness club that was situated on the outer edge of the parking lot.

The plan was simple; they would choose a target who was alone and, when she left the health club, Kyle would drive the RV along side her (blocking her from anyone observing from the mall), Andy and Slim would come up from behind the target, show her a pair of handguns, and "invite" her to enter the RV with them. As soon as they had captured their prey, Kyle would drive out of the lot and begin the journey to the cabin.

They began making sharing observations of women entering the club and debating the merits of many. In less than an hour they had narrowed their field of targets to three.

The first was a petite woman in her mid-20's who drove up in mini-van. The woman stood about 5"5", had short cut brown hair, and was obviously, even dressed in a sweater and slacks, extremely good figured. She had left her van carrying a large art print canvas bag and another carry sack worn over her front. What really made he stand out was her light, bouncy step and her carefree manner.

The second potential target was a tall, elegant woman in her early 30's. She had sped up in a sporty BMW and had presented herself in a well-cut business suit. She had brushed back her long, chestnut hair, picked up a leather gym bag, and had walked into the club with a spirit of determination and authority.

The third potential target pulled into the parking lot in a 10-year-old Metro. She appeared to be about 20 years old, stood about 5"8", and had her long blonde hair in braids. She wore baggy sweatpants, a college sweatshirt, and a large red backpack. She was, as Andy put it, "stacked".

After considerable debate, the buddies decided to take...


Who do the buddies choose to take?

          The old college try

          The Legal Beaver


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