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Bride Interrupted: | RobinRestless | 1


It was the happiest day of Maria Caldaro, no; make that Maria Santini's, life. Just a short while earlier she had stood in front of the church and had become the wife of Anthony Santini, a very successful and wealthy businessman and the love of her life. Sure there were rumors about Tony's shady business dealings with underworld characters, but Maria only saw a perfect gentleman. He had always been kind, attentive, and gentle with her.

At twenty-two Maria was six years younger than Tony. Despite all the pressures in high school and college, she had gone to the altar a virgin. Tonight, after their reception, she would give Tony this most special gift. Maria snuggled in close to Tony as they rode in the limo to the hotel where the reception would be held. On the other side of the limo sat Gino, Tony's cousin and best man, and Angie, Maria's eighteen-year-old sister and her maid of honor. Maria smiled at her sister, thinking about her own happiness and delighting in Angie's beauty.

Suddenly, there was a screech of tires as the limo turned sharply to the side of the country road and slammed to a stop. There was a loud pop and the sound of shattered glass. Tony and Gino began to rise from their seats. The doors on both sides of the limo were pulled open and two men with large guns stood there menacing.

"Get out, now!" one of the men shouted. Gino made a lunge at the man closest to him. A deafening shot rang out. Gino was slammed back onto his seat, a large, hideous hole in the center of his forehead. Angie, her pink gown splattered with Gino's blood, began screaming hysterically. Large hands reached into the limo a pulled Tony from his seat, dragging him from the car. More hands quickly pulled Maria and Angie out into the deserted countryside. Maria caught a quick glimpse of the limo driver; his window had been shattered, he was slumped over in his seat, the top of his head was gone.

Maria, Angie, and Tony were slammed against the side of the limo. There were three men surrounding them. One had a shotgun and the other two held large automatic handguns. One of the men, a dark brute, smashed Tony across the face with his handgun and then rammed the gun into his stomach. "You have one chance of living, Tony," the man sneered, "you and these bitches do exactly what you are told."

Tony stiffened. Maria was sure that he was going to attack the man, a sure way to end up like Gino and the driver. But then Tony's shoulders slumped and he nodded acceptance.

"Now," the man commanded, "get in the van." He pointed his gun at a black panel van that had obviously cut-off the limo as a prelude to the attack. Maria, Angie, and Tony were roughly herded into the van. It was a standard delivery van with no windows in the back. Someone had installed two bench seats against the sidewalls. The three captives were forced onto one seat. While the man with the shotgun kept control, the other two men grabbed Tony's arms and locked his wrists into shackles behind and above him. Once Tony was chained, the two men quickly bound Maria and Angie into similar restraints. A fourth set of chains went unused, obviously intended for Gino. This attack and abduction had been well planned and executed. The three attackers climbed into the van and sat opposite the captives still menacing their guns. A four man sat in the driver's seat. As soon as the third man was in his seat and the van's back door slammed shut, the drive roared off down the road.

"Well, Tony," the man who seemed to be the leader continued speaking, "you thought you had pulled a fast one on me, you and your pal, Gino. You cheated me out of a lot of money, but now you're going to pay - you and your sweet women here."

"Look, Cliff," Tony anxiously spoke to the man, "we can work this out. It was all a misunderstanding. I'm sure..."

Cliff smashed Tony across the face once more with his automatic. The second gash across his cheek began bleeding profusely. Tony dropped back gazed. Maria tied to move toward Tony, but the chains held her arms tightly against the van wall over her head. Cliff looked at her with a chilling smile, "Just sit back, Maria;" he knew her name, "I don't want to ruin your pretty face. And you, Angie," the man even knew Angie's name, "if you don't stop your sobbing I just might get angry."

The other two men laughed at the remark. Angie, who hadn't stopped sobbing since she saw Gino shot dead, quieted to a whimper.

The van drove on for what seemed like forever. The captives, except for an occasionally whimper from Angie, remained silent. Cliff continued his verbal attack on Tony, who seemed to shrink in his seat. The other two men added insults to Cliff's attacks. Maria noticed that the men all were examining her and Angie with eyes that reflected evil intentions.

Maria noticed that they had entered an old industrial area. They drove down alleys and bumpy roads before the van pulled up to an old warehouse. The driver must have had a remote control because the truck door opened and the van pulled into the building.

"We're here," Cliff stated in a matter-of-fact manner, "time to get out." Then in a tone and with words that shook Maria to her soul, he announced, "We've got a really special wedding reception planned for you!"

The three captives were unlocked and pulled from the van. Dragged to the side of the large storeroom, Maria saw four sets of chains hanging from a support beam. The men quickly and efficiently snapped restraints onto Tony, Maria, and Angie's wrists. Cliff pulled a lever and the chains were lifted so that the three captives stood with their arms locked high above their heads.

"Well boys," Cliff sneered to the other three men, "who do we party with first?"


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