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Superhero Auditions | dracomax | 3


You are , A.K.A. the Phantom Fighter.

During a Ouija pot-party, you were possesed by a ghost, and he taught you how to use ghost like powers. You have the ability to walk through solid matter, carry things with you, and float. In addition, you are a black belt in three different martial arts.

You have been using your powers to save fire victims, but you think you can do much, much more. You even have a costume--cool blue colors with a cowl that distorts the lines of your face. With some experience fighting crime, you think you could even advance your powers further.

You just need the chance.


On Saturday, you take a cab to Justice Legion's Headquarters, a skyscraper in the middle of The City. A line of brightly garbed hero wanna-be's has already formed out side of the large glass doors leading into the building's lobby. You get into line, feeling the excitement building inside of you.


What happens next?


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