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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 9


Willow led Tara into the house and over to the living room. Both Buffy and Dawn were there as they cleaned up the room. Or at least that’s what they were supposed to have been doing. The sisters had abandoned their chores and were now locked in a passionate embrace. Their lips and tongues duelled while their hands wandered, pinching breasts and rubbing each other’s cunts.

Willow watched them for a moment and groaned. “I turn my back for two minutes and they’re at it again.” Willow cleared her throat a few times before she just called out. “Okay you two, that’s enough!”

They stopped kissing and turned towards Willow. “But Willow, you said if we were good. . .”

“No Dawn. What I said was if you did a good job cleaning. Now hurry up and finish you two or I’ll take your toys away.”

The sisters pouted and reluctantly pulled apart as Tara watched with wide-eyed interest. Her magic addled mind tried to again apply blame to Willow as the caster of the spell but was sidetracked by the recent floorshow. She felt jealous of Buffy and Dawn for the lack of fear they had about the situation. Also she wanted pretty clothes like they the ones they wore.

Both sisters were dressed nearly identical. On their feet were glossy high-heeled shoes. Their legs encased in glittery stockings that attached to a garter belt. Satin gloves ran up to just past their elbows. And a simple lace choker encircled their necks. Neither wore panties or anything to cover their breasts. The only difference was that Buffy’s outfit was completely white while Dawn’s was hot pink.

Willow then took Tara’s hand and led her out of the room. “Come on Tara. Let’s get you cleaned up. We’ll try to find out what happened later.” She turned to Buffy and Dawn. “And you two. I want this room clean by the time I come back.”


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