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Ultimate Fanfiction | headcase01 | 38


Buffy and Tara laughed at Buffy's good counterpart. They had tied her down to the dining room table, and "Sissy" had spent the last hour cleaning her cock with the feather duster. Each time Buffy would start to come, the sensation slipped away, and started all over again. She layed there crying and babbling out of frustration.

Faith had been trying to figure a way out of the situation. She found once Tara instructed her to dust Buffy until she came, she was stuck in a loop. She couldn't even walk away from the table.

"Oh, look at the time. The game will be starting in a little while. We need to get these two over to the Bronze for the post-game party." Evil Buffy said. "Wow, you're right." Turing to the table. "OK, Sissy, until her, and both of you come over here." Sissy did as she was told, and the two stood before Tara. Buffy was wobbly, and barely able to stand under her own power.

"Sissy, on your knees." Faith found herself immediately kneeling. "Now take Buffy's cock as deep into your throat as you can." In a single motion Faith took the huge cock into her mouth. She was still 8 inches from Buffy's crotch when she felt Tara's hand on the back of her head. With just a slight pressure, Faith found more and more of the cock moving past her lips. The head was slowly moving down her throat. Centimeter by centimeter she was impaling herself more and more. Amazingly she found her nose slowly pushed into Buffy's blond curly pubes. She had taken all twenty inches in. Buffy began to shift like she was going to fall over. Faith found herself grabbing Buffy's ass to keep her steady. Buffy put her hands on Faith's shoulders for leverage.

"wow." was all Evil Buffy could say. "That's some spell."

"Actually there was no magic involved. That's all Sissy's talent." Tara said with a smile. "Freeze!" she said as a flash blinded everyone for a moment. "Ain't that a picture?" Tara said smiling at the two now frozen former slayers. Buffy had a strained look on her face, and Faith was looking up almost lustfully with a gigantic cock down her throat.

"Help me get them in the car. We'll drop them off on the way to school." Tara said as she lifted up one side of the pair.

Evil Buffy came over and expect to have to use her Slayer strength to pick them up. When she lifted them, they felt as light as paper, yet they were solid. Buffy had a confused look.

"Just a little trick Willow showed me."

The two loaded Buffy and Faith into the back seat of a convertable with the top down, and headed out.

Evil Buffy and Tara arrived at the Bronze not long after it had been closed for the party set up. Faith was outside beating a couple of drunken demons who hadn't left as soon as she had told them to get lost half to death.
Faith helped them get the frozen Sissy and Buffy iside and set them up on the centre of the dancefloor. They had just missed seeing Dawn by a few minutes who had recieved a nasty shock from the vibrating pager she was carrying in her pussy when Snyder put out a call for her.

From where they were positioned Buffy and Faith couldn't see much but they could see Kennedy and several of the other cursed dancers up on the bar gyrating on their polls even though there was no one to entertain. Glory was down on her hands and knees licking up stains which Evil Willow was shoving her face in puddles of drink and cum mopping them up with her blonde hair, Evil Dawn and Janice were rubbing them selves seductivly against one of the barmen but were quickly grabbed by Evil Faith.

"Ok you stupid little bitches, this is the last time you play with my boy toys." snapped Evil Faith pulling Evil Dawn and Janice by their hair towards the basement door and dragging them through it.

"Freeze frame spell?" Evil Willow asked Evil Tara.

"Don't you just love how it captures the moment." replied Evil Tara slapping Buffy's ass, she was surprised that in her paralyzed state she could feel it, "By the way your little Sissy Maid tried to make an escape so I had to fix her up a bit" she added squeezing one of Faith's inflated tits.

"Place looks good Will." said Evil Buffy.

"Thank Harmoney for the balloons, she's bringing us her latest party favour after the game so we can use it to have fun with Dancer girl and cock girl." smiled Evil Willow.

Buffy and Kennedy both filled with dread at the prospect of what Harmoney might be bring to use on them.

"What about the others." asked Evil Buffy.

"Snyder has that worthless little cunt under full control I'm sure he have her working that slutty little ass off all night making him a nice little fortune as for our Sissy maid she can help Glory and the the waitresses serve the customers since it's going to be busy and we are short staffed."

Buffy and Faith remained motionless watching as Kennedy danced uncontrolablly and listening to their capturers talking they heard them mention Xander several times finally learning he was alive andmostly likely from his perspective living the good life lying on his back being fucked senseless all day but there was no mention of Andrew, Giles or Willow. Anyway neither of them could worry about their friends right now having already endured one night in this universe at the hands of their Evil counterparts they were dreading their second night at the hands of a club full of demons and people.


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