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Ultimate Fanfiction | headcase01 | 35


Willow awoke with a start. The last thing she remembered was the feeling of a scapel on her head before she passed out. She put her hand on her head, and it felt normal, except for a weird bump on the back of her head. She looked around and saw she was in a padded hospital room. She was wearing a stained white hospital gown, and nothing else. She went to the door, and found that it had no handle, and no way to get out. She began pounding on the door.

"Ah, you're awake. And only after a few hours. I guess that shaman magic combined with my design really did work." Willow looked around, and saw a camera and small camera in the corner.

"Let me out of here you bitch!" Willow yelled at the camera.

"Now now." She finally recognized Harmony's voice again. "No need to swear."

"Fuck You." Willow screamed. Suddenly she felt a tingle. At the same time she felt excrutiating pain, and was cumming uncontrollably.

She was balled up on the floor as it continued. She was gasping for air. Finally it stopped. She relaxed her muscles and breathed heavily.

"I take it there will be no further need to demonstrate. I don't want to break my shiny new toy."

"N-no." Willow croaked.

"Aw, don't look so glum. I have good news! You have your magic back!" Willow gathered her strength and stood up. She walked over to the door and incanted an opening spell. Nothing happened. "No silly." Harmony said in a tone Willow thought sounded more like her Harmony. "We wouldn't be that dumb. One of the components of the chip is that we have control over your magic now. It's really pretty neat. Watch."

Willow felt the surge of power rise. It was familiar, but she was terrified because she didn't feel the control she normally had. She held her hands up, tried to stop it, but saw electricity crackling from them, then a jolt. When the haze cleared Willow found herself standing naked, her gown had been evaporated. That wasn't all. Her breasts were now obscenely oversized. They didn't seem to weigh much more, but they were bigger than a D-cup, easily.

"See, instant plastic surgery. Pretty cool, huh?" Harmony said. Willow again tried to force the door open, and nothing happened.

Willow heard some noise at the door. "OK, so let's test that power of yours. If it's anything like our Willow, we're in for some fun." The door opened, and in was shoved Dawn.

From the way she was dressed Willow was very sure this was the same Dawn that had tricked her into coming to the hospital.

As soon as the door was sealed again Evil Dawn turned and started banging on it, "Hey why do I have to get stuck in here."

"You brought her here you get to see first hand my work besides she can't hurt you if she even tries her pain chips will activate and....." Harmoney's voice trailed off as Willow felt an unbarable surge of pain all through her body clearly Harmoney felt actions spoke louder than words.

"Lets start with something simple." came Harmoney's voice. Suddenly Willow's hands rose under someone elses control and glowed making Evil Dawn's clothes dissappear.

"Hey." snapped Evil Dawn.

But before she could continue complaining Willow's hands once again started to glow and Evil Dawn colapsed in an orgasmic fit.

Harmoney continued demonstrating her puppets powers for a few more minutes making Dawn uncontrollablly suck her thumb, turning her into a life size doll and giving her a few more orgasms before restoring her clothes and letting her out.

Dawn went up to the observation room to see Harmoney who was busy messing with Willow still, right now the witches uncontrolled powers had made her breasts leak milk.

"This so cool." said Dawn, "So what else have you done."

"Her pain chips will stop her from hurting anyone as you already saw and I'm just getting ready to activate and test her other ones."

"What have you given her."

"The chip in her cunt is tied into her magic control chips, if it's wetness drops below a certain level she will increase the size, weight and sensitivity of her breasts. So unless she wants even bigger tits she better stay very wet. There's also a thought control chip in there, once active she will have to think dirty perverse submissive sexual thoughts whenever she is around other people or her pain chips will activate, after a time this will make her increasingly docile."

"Buffy is gonna love this." said Evil Dawn.

"Do you want to watch me test her some more?" asked Harmoney.

"Nah, I have a test tommorow and need to suck the answers outta the teacher, just bring her back to us when everything is done." said Evil Dawn leaving.

Harmoney turned her attentions back to Willow and began playing with the magic controls.

Down in the white room Willow gave a sigh of relief as her breasts stopped leaking milk. She lifted her hands to them to make sure all the milk had been drained out of them only to find them changing again, getting harder and heavier as their natural look began to fade.

"Now announced Harmoney," Just a few more tests to run."


What happens next

          Dawn in Detention


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