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An Alien Device | cvn88 | 5


The well-trained team had the alien spacecraft and bodies removed fromt he crash site in short order while other agents of the Bureau worked to circulate a cover story explainging the activity. In short order, Miranda and her team were on their way back to headquarters, leaving behind what would officially be considered the crash of an experimental and top secret government aircraft.

Over the next couple of days, scientists conducted autopsies on the dead aliens while others examined the wreckage, hoping to find some way to decipher the alien computer codes and hopefully determine just what they were up to.

Miranda herself was involved in the usual post-mission debriefing, and then supervised members of the Post-Recovery Analysis team. And when her shift ended and she left the facility, she headed strait to the gym for an extensive workout. She'd always worked to keep herself in shape, but now had a new determination to keep herself as fit and attractive as possible.

Following her workouts, she returned to the small home she'd purchased a year or two ago to eat a healthy dinner (it was vital she count her calories) and get a good night's sleep. Before turning in, she'd stand naked in front of the mirror, searching for any flaws or imperfections. Had anyone asked, she would have been hard pressed to explain her newfound focus on her appearance, other to say that it was vital she maintain her value for when she was Collected. She herself wasn't really sure what that meant, but to the core of her being she knew nothing else was more important, not even finding out more about the aliens she abhored.


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