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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 10


One week had passed since Willow had taken control of Dawn. One week where Willow made Dawn perform every kinky and depraved act she could come up with: One day had Dawn tied to the bed while Willow took a riding-crop to her tits, pussy and ass. To show Dawn who was in charge; On an other Dawn was on all fours with a vibrator thrust in her pussy. Willow, wearing a strap-on, fucked her ass for the first time and whispered nasty things in her ear. To prove to Dawn that no matter what Willow wanted she would enjoy it; Even once Willow put a spell on Dawn’s panties and sent her off to school. All through the day Dawn sat in class as her underwear constantly rubbed her pussy as it moved on it’s own. Willow wanted her soaking wet when she got home. There seemed to be no limit to what Willow would come up with and thanks to her magic, Dawn was more then happy perform.

Buffy had just gone out for patrol which left Willow to look after Dawn, something she took great pride in doing. So minutes after Buffy was out the door, Willow took Dawn to the bedroom, stripped her naked and bent her over the edge of the bed.

Willow walked over to her nightstand as she stripped her own clothes off; she tried to decide on what toy to use on Dawn tonight. As she shifted through the various dildos, strap-ons and paddles she started talking, “Oh Dawn, I’ve got good news. I’m finally ready to bring Tara back.” Willow pointed to a crystal pendant sitting in the middle of her desk, “All I need is for Tara to put that on and she’ll come crawling back to me. Just think of all the fun we’ll have.”

Dawn looked over at the pendant, “It’s very pretty Willow. I can hardly wait, but how will it bring back Tara?”

Finally Willow pulled a couple of dildos out, “It took me a while but I was able to condense a spell that’s strong enough to break thru her defences. Once it active all she’ll be able to feel is love, lust, and the overwhelming desire to please me.”

Dawn gasped as Willow slowly fed one dildo into her snatch, “That’s great Willow, but why didn’t you just fuck her senseless like you did with me?”

Willow smirked and forced the other dildo into Dawn’s ass, “It’s not that simple. I used magic to make your mind weak and pliable. I then shaped you as I saw fit, the sex was completely unnecessary. I started fucking you cause your a hot piece of ass and I didn’t want to be lonely while Tara was gone.”

Willow waved her hand and the dildos started to piston in and out of Dawn’s holes. Willow then climbed in front the now moaning girl’s face and grabbed her by the hair, “But don’t worry about that. You love acting like my own personal slut, don’t you? Right now your going to show me how much you love it but eating my cunt till I cum all over your pretty little face.”

“Yes Willow, anything you want!” Dawn screamed out before her face was forced into Willow’s pussy and she started licking and sucking for all she was worth.

Willow stretched back and started to rub and pinch her nipples as Dawn continued to eat her out. “Soon Tara, soon you’ll be back where you belong.” She looked down at Dawn whose hips moved in time with the enchanted dildos and moaned as she did everything she could to make Willow cum, “And I think you’ll enjoy what I have in store you.”


What is Willow planning and will it work?

          Setting things in motion


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