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Ves Du'nherz | android1966 | 3


you wrap your cloak around your shoulders again, then leap out of the tree, the wind shearing over your ears. You land directly into the circle of the bandits' torches, and they turn towards you with surprise and fear.
"Let her go," you say. The bandits look at you, then at each other, then laugh in realization that they are five against one. One of the men holding reins of the horses draws his sword, uncleaned for years and caked with blood.
"And what 'xactly do you s'pose you do if we don't, huh?"
The rest of the bandits close around you, wielding clubs, short swords, and daggers. The dirty man who spoke chuckles a bit, then lunges at you in a mighty, but untrained slash. His sword flashes in the torchlight, sweeping down, but another sword flickers upwards. You feel your sword cut into living flesh, and hear your enemy drop his weapon as he falls, clutching his wound. The rest stare for a moment, then foolishly decide to charge. You easily cut two others into shreds, then the rest run in fear.

You kick the corpses into the ditch at the side of the road. Here's a job for the highway service.

You look up at the young woman on the wagons driving seat and decide
that perhaps it was not such a poor idea to rescue her. The Gypsy
for such she is, is young and fair. Her hair is long, black and curly.
Her lips are red and full and smile gratefully at you as you take in
the swelling breasts filling her tight bodice and the slim legs beneath her silk skirts.

"Oh however can I repay you for saving my virtue from these rascals?"
The gypsy girl asks coyly, swinging her hips and twirling a strand of
hair between her fingers.

"It is simply my pleasure to help those in distress," you reply with a smile. You certainly love playing the hero. "But I fear I injured myself leaping from that tree." You add, wincing
theatrically and rubbing your groin. "Perhaps you know some arts of
healing and could relieve my swelling."

"Come into my caravan Mr Elf I think I have the remedy for what ails ye."
Says the gypsy.

You reach up and lift the girl down from the driving seat and arm in
arm you walk to the back of the caravan.


Will you get some sensual healing?


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