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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 9


Pulling an unresisting Dawn into the bedroom, Willow positions her in the middle of the room and slowly circles, inspecting her like a new toy. “Tell me something Dawn. You like Tara and you like the same things as her, right?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Well when Tara and I were together I did some things that Tara just loved. So you should love them too, right?”

With her mind still fuzzy from Willow’s potion Dawn couldn’t find fault with anything Willow told her, “Okay that sounds right.”

“Excellent, Now I need us to be naked so let me help you get those clothes off.” Willow slowly strips Dawn of her clothing while making ample gropes of her tits and ass. Removing Dawn’s bra Willow stops for a few moments to pinch and tease her nipples before moving down to her panties.

Even more slowly Willow pulls down Dawn’s panties savouring the moment as she reveals her small pussy framed by a small triangle of hair. “Hmm. . . We’ll take care of that in a minute.” Willow pushes Dawn onto the bed before quickly stripping her own clothing off, displaying her own perky tits and completely hairless pussy.

Climbing in between Dawn’s legs Willow says a few words under her breath and places her hand over Dawn’s pussy. Looking up upon hearing a gasp, Willow only smirks as Dawn starts to claw at the bedspread because to the sensations coming from between her legs. When Willow pulled her hand back Dawn’s pussy was now also completely hairless.

“Oh yes, that’s much better.” Willow slowly ran her tongue across the smooth skin in front of her and was quite happy with the moan that came from above her. “Do you like what I’ve done Dawnie? Don’t you think that it looks and feels so much better now?”

Without waiting for a response Willow thrust two fingers into Dawn’s tight little pussy just in time for Dawn to scream out, “OH GOD YES!”

“Now, we need something special for this occasion. . . Ah, I know just the thing.” Continuing with the finger fucking Willow concentrates on the nightstand till a drawer opens and a two-headed dildo floated out. “That will be perfect. Don’t you think so Dawn?” Her only response was a moan. “But we’ll never get it in this tight little snatch of yours without some lubrication.”

Using her magic Willow positioned the dildo above Dawn’s face, “Open up Dawnie. I want you to suck it. It’s going to need to be nice and wet.” Being unable to think thanks to Willow’s fingers in her cunt, Dawn does as she is told and is soon licking and sucking the fake cock as it floats in and out of her mouth.

Pulling her fingers out, Willow licks them clean of Dawn’s juices before taking the dildo from her mouth, “That’s good enough Dawn. Now it’s time to put this to good use.”

Ever so slowly, Willow pushes one end of the dildo into Dawn’s pussy then slides her pussy on the other end. Wrapping her legs around Dawn’s she soon sets up a rhythm that has both of them moaning. Looking across at Dawn, who’s trying to handle pleasure unlike anything she’s felt before, Willow increases the tempo a bit, “Isn’t this great Dawnie? You’re just loving this aren’t you?”

“Oh yes, I love it!”

“Just imagine, if Tara was here it would be even better.” Reaching down Willow started rubbing Dawn’s clit, “Don’t you want Tara here too?”

Getting very close to cumming, Dawn wasn’t in the frame of mind to disagree, “Yes! I want Tara Too!”

“That’s good Dawnie. We’ll get Tara back, but you’ll need to do everything I want. Will you do everything I want?” Looking for the response she wanted, Willow switched from rubbing to pinching at Dawn’s clit.

It’s worked. As Dawn hit her peak she started screaming, “OH GOD! EVERYTHING YOU WANT! EVERYTHING YOU WANT!”

Smiling cause everything was working out perfectly, Willow changed tempo to draw out Dawn‘s climax. Knowing that thanks to her potion and the overwhelming pleasure, Dawn was now putty in her hands. Imaging all the depraved things she was planning for the unsuspecting girl, Willow started cumming herself.

Pulling off of her end of the dildo, Willow climbed up the bed and started kissing Dawn while forcing her tongue into the drained girl’s mouth. Willow was quite happy when she got a response and they soon were making out with renewed energy.

Pulling back for a few moments, Dawn starts whispering “I want more. Give me more please.”

“Oh don’t worry Dawn. We have all day. Now before we continue you’ll need to do something first.” Reaching down Willow took hold of the dildo still lodged in Dawn’s pussy. Pulling it out with a swift yank. Ignoring the moan of disappointment, she brought it up to Dawn’s face, “You went and got this all messy, now you’ll have to lick it clean.”


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