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A Discovery in Behavior | fenrisswolf | 6


You want to take another moment to enjoy the sight of your daughters pink pussy, spread in front of your hard throbbing cock, but the slurping sounds and moaning from Becky's attention to your wife's pussy have you near your limit, and you want to cum hard, and there are few better places than a hot spasming teenage pussy.

Just before sticking your cock back in, you realize you have not tasted the sweet juicescoming from her cunt, but you have already commited to a thorough fucking of her twat.

Looking in front of you, you can see your wife is about to cum from the inexperienced, if enthusiastic tongue-lashing she is recieving. This is enough to send you over the edge, and squirt what you feel to be the biggest load ever, deep inside your beloved daughter's pussy.

Does Mummy lick her daughter clean, and demand to be fucked herself, or does she merely watch you two do more deparevae acts together?


Does the non-stop fucking continue?


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