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.Secret Agent, Sarah Banks | niceguy2002tim | 23


Sarah moved her soft lips towards Jack’s, but before she could kiss him the intercom buzzed to life. “Mr. Anderson, we have a problem!” said a deep voice, which Sarah recognized as Theo Brucks.

Jack rolled his eyes, “this better be damn important!” he shouted angrily in to the microphone.

Theo spoke three words that sent terror into Sarah, causing her skin to ripple, “we have visitors.”

“Friends of yours?” Jack said coldly looking at her.

She swallowed hard, “I didn’t know they were coming… I promise Jack!” She said as she climbed off of his lap.

Jack promptly stood up then walked around to the back of his desk. There was a large oak bookcase that stretched from the floor to the height of the ceiling. He reached out and ran his fingers across the back of several thick books. Sarah watched closely, trying to memorize everything. Jack’s fingers came to a rest on a big black book. She could see the title, The Dark Tower.

“Good book?” she asked.

“One of my favorites… it’s one of King’s first and finest works. I’d love to tell you more, but time has grown short,” Jack said tilting the book. There was a click, then the whole bookshelf started to move. The shelf came out from the wall and slide to the side, revealing a hidden room.

Jack quickly entered and made his way to a swivel chair in the middle of the room. Sarah observed the room from the doorway. What she saw was several television monitors displaying different areas of the compound. On one she saw three heavily armed men making their way around the outside wall. Sarah looked from the monitor to Jack‘s face, and found him grinning madly at the television screen.

Without looking away from the screen he spoke, “people are going to die today.”

Then he whipped the chair around and almost jumped to his feet. Sarah felt uneasy as she watched him take two large strides to the other side of the small room to a glass case. Jack smiled sadistically before slamming the glass doors open. Inside the case Sarah saw an array of guns, everything from pistols to automatics and even some handheld explosives. Jack carefully removed his suit jacket and hung it over the back of the chair. Sarah saw him slip two shoulder holsters on, then he took two large silver handguns from the case and placed them into the leather holsters. Next he removed a small black pistol from the case, Sarah knew it as a PP7. He hide this gun behind his back, tucked into his pants. He allowed his jacket to fall over top of them, making then hidden. Lastly, Jack raised his pants leg and strapped a knife to the side of his leg.

Jack turned his gaze to Sarah for a brief second before turning back to the gun case. He reached into it and wrapped his fingers around the barrel of a pistol. Jack moved around from the glass case with the gun in his hand. He stood in front of Sarah and held the gun out to her, handgrip first.

“Now we see who’s side you’re really on,” Jack said coolly.


Who’s side is she on?


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