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Internet Love Affair | katiebgood | 18


“Don’t worry, honey,” Sammy consoled his frightened wife as they sat at the dinner table. “We’ll take care of this first thing in the morning.”

“How?” Hannah sobbed.

“I have an idea,” Sammy picked up the phone and called their friend David. He was a computer guru and knew all the ins and outs of computers, the internet and how to protect themselves.

The very next morning, Hannah called the credit card company, explained their satiation and closed every account. Sammy got online and pulled all of Hannah’s chat logs and forwarded them to David exactly per his instructions.

Hannah and Sammy spent the next several hours covering every possible loose end they could think of, bank accounts, utilities, phone number. Later that evening the telephone rang and Hannah answered.

“Hey, girly, it’s Dave.” His voice was smooth and friendly. “I gotcha covered, go check this out.”

David followed by giving her a website address. As she repeated it to Sammy, he typed it into the browser and pulled up the website that David had created. There, in all its glory, was Burton’s face, his email address and his telephone number that Hannah had saved. He had been deemed a freak, a fraud and a stalker. The site encouraged anyone and everyone to call his number as frequently as possible, load his inbox with email and provide his home address and home phone number to a public guest book on the site if they had that information.

Hannah sat down in next to Sammy and breathed a small sigh of relief. She then went back into the chat room that she had met Angelique and provided her with all the details about the site.


Is Hannah free from Burton's clutches?

          She's only getting deeper ...


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