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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 16


Unaware of the effect she was having on everything around her, Willow continued to snoop through Joyce’s belongings not noticing a steel box had appeared under the bed when she made her last comment. But as soon as she did notice it she eagerly opened it to find a vast collection of vibrators, dildos, and strap-ons.

With a smile she pushed an unresisting Buffy onto the bed before using the police cuffs to lock her in place. Willow then takes her time to strip down and select a strap-on of ‘adequate’ size. She slowly climbed onto the bed and in between Buffy’s legs and rubbed the head of the sex toy against her slit. Only to pull back as Buffy raised her hips trying to take it in.

“Oh Buffy, did you want this? Would you like me to slam this big fake cock into your slutty little pussy?”

“Oh god YES!!! Please Willow just FUCK ME!!!”

“Then tell me something Buffy. Tell me why your hand cuffed to your mother’s bed, begging me to fuck you with this big plastic dick.” Willow’s eyes flashed again.

Expecting a repeat of Buffy’s earlier chanting of ‘I’m a slut,’ Willow was a little surprised when Buffy went limp, got a blank look on her face and with a dull voice responded, “The spell you cast last night made it so that whenever you say something as if it was a statement of a fact, it then becomes a fact. Therefore when you earlier said that I was a slut, I am now compelled to think and act like a slut.”

Buffy blinked and resumed trying to thrust her hips on the sex toy as if nothing happened. Willow ignored her and thought for a few seconds before an evil grin crossed her face.

“Buffy, you have D-cup breasts.” Willow was quite delighted to see her friend’s chest expand in the blink of an eye. “Now let’s have some ‘real’ fun.”


Now that Willow knows, what will she do next?

          Makes sure things stay the way they are or get better

          Goes looking for Faith

          Willow's morality kicks in


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