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Internet Love Affair | jbman69 | 17


Hannah lurked for several minutes trying to pick up the thread of the conversation. Every once in a while a name would pop up that was obviously masculine and the moderator of the group would boot them. A window popped up on the screen. It was a private message from the moderator.

“Welcome, Suzique. This is an automated message. I want this room to be a relatively safe haven for straight women who are curious about bisexual activity. If you are an impostor get lost. If I find out you’re an imposter you will be banned. If you persist I will send a complaint with your domain address to the administration of the chat service and you will be banned from this site. Please do not PM anyone unless you ask first. If I receive a complaint you may be booted. If another member of this room violates you please report it to me immediately so I can deal with it. This room will be open only when I’m on line. If you don’t see my name as the moderator, the room is a fake. Please feel free to PM me at any time. Affectionately, Adora.”

Hannah pondered the message and then closed the PM window.

“Thanks, Adora, for making a safe place to come” Hannah typed.

Adora: “Your welcome. Make yourself comfortable. Can I get you something to drink ;)”

Suzique: “Ya, I’ll have a double Scotch on the rocks.”

Adora: “Coming right up babe, *Adora drops a couple cubes in a heavy whisky glass and fills it up with a good grade of Scotch* There ya go hon, it’s on the house. Anything else I can get you?”

Hannah settled down in her chair and enjoyed the banter of conversation. There was lots of innuendo but never any bump and grind stuff she experienced on the open rooms. One of the members addressed her.

Angelique: “Suzique, would you mind if I PM’d you?”

Suzique: “I don’t have any problem with it Angelique,”

A PM window popped up with Angelique’s name on it.

Angelique: “Hi girl, you are quite the talker. I’ve really enjoyed the conversation today.”

Suzique: “You’ve been quite stimulating yourself, sugar”

Angelique: “I’m not much into beating around the bush, so I hope I don’t offend you by asking if you have ever done it with a woman before.”

Suzique: “Never, in fact up until a few months ago I’d never really done anything outside of my relationship with my husband.”

Angelique: “What do you mean? Give me a little more detail. If I’m too pushy just tell me and I’ll back off”

Suzique: “No, you’re not too pushy. I actually it feels good to be able to talk with someone about it. A few months ago we got our first computer and hooked it up to the internet. I got exploring and found this chat site and got pretty involved with a man. I did some stuff that I never had even thought about. And then it turned really ugly. I don’t want to have another experience like that.”

Angelique: “What do you mean you got pretty involved with a man?”

Suzique: “Well, he was really smooth. At first he was very nice and didn’t say anything about sex. I think I was the one that brought sex up after talking with him every day for about a week. He was actually quite refreshing from all the other PENISES that PM’s me to death.”

Angelique: “LOL…..PENISES. That’s a good one girl. Go on.”

Suzique: “He was really good. Got me really horny one night and after our chat I had to masturbate to get some relief. My husband was oblivious. He was glued to his TV football.”

Angelique: “So you are married. Go on.”

Suzique: “One night he asked me if I had a webcam. We did, but had never used it. He walked me through setting it up and then how to link up. That’s the first time I saw Burton.”

Angelique: “Stop! Did you say Burton?”

Suzique: “ya, that was his name.”

Angelique: “Can I email you a picture?”

Hannah gave Angelique her e-mail address and within second the tone sounded that told her she had mail. Hannah opened the jpeg file Angelique had just sent her. Panic filled her as she saw Burtons face appear on the screen.

Angelique: “Have you got it yet?”

Suzique: “Ange, It’s him. What’s going on. I’m having a panic attack”

Angelique: “You’re not the only one girl. What did he do to you?”

Suzique: “The last time I used the webcam with him I got naked and masturbated with him coaching me. It was an incredible orgasm. After that he disappeared for a week. When he finally showed back up we had it out. I fell into his trance again and talked with him on the phone. Again I had and incredible orgasm. I was so horny afterwards and attacked my husband when he came to bed. Burton had opened some doors and my husband almost had a heart attack from what we did that night. Later I told my husband what had happened. He figured out how to communicate with Burton and told him to bug off. I haven’t seen anything of him since.”

Angelique: “Sounds like he showed you a lot of fun. I need to tell you baby, you aint rid of him. You aren’t the only one he has fucked, and I really mean fucked up.”

Suzique: “What do you mean?”

Angelique: “I have to be honest with you Suzi. You were turning me on in the chat room and I wanted to fuck you. But when you started to tell your story it sounded too familiar. Several years ago I was pretty naïve and got tangled in Burtons web. I thought I had gotten rid of him and then some weird shit started happening to me and I couldn’t figure it out. I lost my job and then my credit. I tried to figure out what was going on. When I went to the cops they laughed at me. Stuff kept happening, little things that I could never prove and every time I went to the cops they couldn’t find anything. After a while the cops told me to quit calling them or they were going to lock me up in the loony bin. Then one day I get an email with pictures of me naked and stroking myself. It was Burton. He had saved the webcam sessions we had and was now blackmailing me. But there was never anything else and when I tried to trace the email it was a dead end.
He’s still out there Suzi and I’m scared.

Hannah was dumbstruck. What kind of crap had she stepped in. When Sammy came home she told him what she had learned.


What next?

          Hannah fights back


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