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Internet Love Affair | jbman69 | 16


After Hannah had dropped the kids off at school she called Sammy. “Hello hun.” He said answering his phone, “What’s up?”

*It’s nice to have caller ID* she thought to herself. “I had a little incident happen this morning as I was trying to get the kids off to school.” Her voice was a little shaky as she tried to relay what had happened to her. “That greasy little man down the street showed up at the door and accused me of getting his electricity shut off. He said a lot of bad stuff in front of the kids and I told him to leave. He slammed the door shut and broke a window.”

Sammy was incredulous, “What the hell?” he yelled. He had to wait several seconds to calm down before he spoke again. *It wouldn’t do any good to yell at Hannah* he thought to himself. He had to get his wits about him. He took a deep breath and then spoke. “I’ll take care of it babe.” He said coolly. “Don’t worry about it. It will sort itself out.” And then tenderly he asked, “Are you going to be ok sweetheart? Is there anything I can do for you?”

“No honey, I’ll be alright. Thank you for being there.” She said. “I love you. See you when you get home.”

“Ok, babe. Love you too.” He replied and then they hung up.

Hannah couldn’t believe the change that had happened to Sammy since that night. He had become more attentive to her needs. He went with her shopping and took her to dinner. He had volunteered to clean the kitchen. Other than the few sports shows he watched, he spent less time watching TV. Things had changed in their sex life too. He was in bed a lot earlier and they had played almost every night.

The only problem was she had been drawn to the chat rooms again. What was it with those rooms? What made them so addictive? She had gotten back on line a few days after her blow out with Burton. She had changed her name and avoided the rooms she thought Burton might be in. The increased sexual activity had made her fantasize more. Burton had opened some doors that she didn’t know existed and she was drawn in.

The incident this morning had unnerved her and she sought some way to get her mind off it. She sat at the computer and turned it on. She connected to the web and logged on to the chat program. She did a search of available rooms and found some that she had never had any desire to go into before. However, with her new sexual awareness she was curious. Her experience with Burton had soured her on chatting with men. She entered a room that seemed innocuous called ‘straight women but curious~~~~~ no men allowed’. There were a dozen chatters in the room. All the names and profiles suggested that there were indeed no men.


What does Hannah find out?

          Drawn back to the web


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