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The reluctant mailman | katiebgood | 2


“A little fun never hurt anyone, right handsome?” Sylvia… as least I think that is what the name on the card said… cooed as she ran her hands across my shoulders and down my back before allowing them to come to rest on my ass.

Confused, aroused, nervous, shocked, horny… everything seemed to be flooding me at once and I wasn’t quite sure which was way up, although, Sylvia sure knew where it was pointed.

“My my my…” she purred as her hands left my ass and slid around to the twitching bulge in the front of my pants. “You are a hefty one, aren’t you love?”

This was not something that was the norm for me. I don’t usually come to deliver a package and find a beautiful woman at the door who is completely naked and determined to her hands around my manhood. To say that I was a little dumbstruck would have been an understatement.

I watched as she unfastened my belt and let my shorts drop to the floor. Before I could blink her cool hands were inside my loose fitting boxers and treating my erection to an afternoon delight.

“Do you want me to stop, handsome?” She asked as she looked up into my face. I opened my mouth to speak but the words seemed to get caught in my throat. The only sound was a primalistic sounding grunt.

“I didn’t think so,” she purred as she lowered her mouth toward my eagerly waiting cock. Her tounge, hands and lips seemed to be everywhere at once. I couldn’t get used to one sensation before I was bombarded with another. I had never felt anything quite like it.

“Oh… oh…” she yelped. “Not yet, love.” She slowed her movements as she felt my orgasm building long before I did. She jumped to her feet and trotted down a hallway then disappeared into a back room. I was left standing in her living room, my trousers down around my ankles and my penis waving at me, wondering what the hell I just gotten myself into. But before I could answer myself the sound of her giggling and something that sounded like a wheel in need of lube echoed back up the hall.

“Here we are,” she came back into the room pushing a bench on wheels. The seat of the bench was rounded on the top with a hole in the middle and wide side boards running down either side. “Now, handsome, you can have yours as I get mine.”

With that she pushed the bench right up to where I was standing. Looking down at it and I could see a large dildo hiding in the hole in the middle of the bench. She straddled the bench, her knees resting on the side boards and shifted her ass until she was in a position that she liked.

“Here, hold this,” she commanded as she thrust a large remote control in my hand. “Feel free to push any button or turn any knob.”

With that she enveloped my hard cock with her warm mouth. My eyes closed briefly at the feel of her but she swatted my leg and point up to the remote I still clutched in my hand. I lost my focus of how she felt as she swallowed my throbbing cock at the fascination of the mechanics of her toy.

I began to experiment with random patterns of button pushing and twists of knobs. She let my member slip from her mouth as she enjoyed her own pleasure. After a couple of moments she was moaning and writhing, her toned body glistening with a cold sweat. I had all but forgotten my bar cock flopping and jerking just inches from her nose until she sucked it back into her mouth and down her throat.

Her tonge wrapping and coiling around my cock as she pumped her head back and forth. Her grunts and groans quickly escalated to a steady hum, also another experience that was new to me but utterly enjoyable.

I felt my muscles tighten as the orgasm neared, Syliva felt it too because she pushed my hardness even father down the back of her throat a few more times before yanking her head back, aiming the head at her chest and strocking the shaft quickly and expertly with her hands. Before I realized it, I was spurting my load all over her milky white breasts.

“That’s it,” she panted, close to orgasm herself. “Cum for me, handsome.”

Within another moment she was panting heavily and begging me to fuck her faster. I pressed every button and twisted every knob on the hand held device and watched in amazement as she she climaxed in a screaming, animalistic explosion.

Once she had caught her breath she smiled up at me and helped me back into my pants. I offered to help her clean up her… thing… but she politely declined and stated that she intended to have another go later. She kissed me on the cheek, handed me my clipboard and waved as she closed the door behind me.


Will there be more deliveries to the lovely Syliva?

          I was thinking so until work the next day


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