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Internet Love Affair | katiebgood | 10


*What the hell am I doing?* Hannah asked herself as she sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the phone on the nightstand. *I have totally lost my mind!*

She laid the phone number in front of her and smoothed out imaginary wrinkles from the bed spread. Tiny beads of nervous sweat began to pop up on her upper lip.

*This is crazy,* she whispered to herself as she picked up the phone from the nightstand and set it beside the slip of paper where the number was written. She stared at them both, contemplating whether or not she was prepared to take this step. A computer could be turned off, messages deleted, files erased… this was something all together different. She was about to play with fire.

Hannah picked up the receiver and placed it to her ear. She sat still for a moment, her finger hovering over the numbers. She listened to the dial tone and knew that it would soon be replaced by a voice that she had become intimately familiar with.

*I can’t,* she said as she slammed the phone back into its cradle.

With a quick sigh she stood up and walked back toward the bedroom door. Just as she reached for the knob she paused and looked back over her shoulder to the phone. The tiny little scrap of paper curling slightly in the breeze of the ceiling fan beckoned her back to the bed.

*How ironic,* she thought to herself as she moved back to the bed, dropped down onto her fanny, curled her legs underneath her, picked up the receiver again and began pressing buttons before she talked herself out of it again.

Before she realized what she had done she could hear it ring. She was now paralyzed. Should she hang up before he answers or should she go through with it?

“Hello?” Burton’s voice answered.

*Too late!* she was immediately filled with fear as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

“Hi, it’s Hannah.” She said timidly.


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