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Internet Love Affair | katiebgood | 8


“That is beside the point,” Hannah stated, knowing full well what Burton’s response would be.

“Sweetheart, that is completely the point.”

*And there it is,* Hannah said to herself. *Damn him!* He got to her, he always did... she knew it and she knew that he knew it too. She couldn’t help but be drawn by his smug little attitude. It was, after all, the thrill of the chase that made life so interesting.

“Tell me something,” she said.

“Anything,” he replied.

*Yeah right,* she said to herself. “Why me?”

“Why you what?”

“Why did you choose me out of all the women in the chat room that night?”

“Why not you?”

*Smooth…* she said and continued typing. “You’re side stepping the question,” Hannah hated it when Burton done this. He could talk in circles forever and she might not ever get a straight answer.

“No, I’m not,” he said simply. “You asked me why… I say, why not?”

“Not a valid answer,” she pushed. One of two things was bound to happen. He’d give her an answer or she’d piss him off. The latter of the two would be quite harsh and emotionally damaging. She had seen him bare his teeth once in a chat room and Hannah knew that Burton could be extremely vicious when provoked. But, it was too late. She had made her bed, now she had no choice but to lie in it.

“I could give you a million reasons such as I liked your ID, I knew you were new to the room or it was a random click of the mouse. Whatever reason I give you, would it change anything?”

“No, I don’t suppose that it would.” Hannah replied after a long moment of reflection. *Damn, he’s good,* she said to herself and sat with her fingers on the keys. She had no where else to go with this line of questioning. He was right and they both knew it.


What next?

          Changing tactics


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