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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 13


“Willow about earlier. . “

“Wasn’t it great? I’ve never felt so full in my life.”

“But you kissed me. . .”

A puzzled look crosses Willow’s face, “Didn’t you enjoy it Buffy?”

Buffy’s face turns red as she finds the floor to be rather interesting, “A little but it made me uncomfortable.”

Willow thinks while looking Buffy up and down. Soon she smiles and grabs Buffy’s hand and takes off at a brisk pace, “Come on, I know the perfect way to help you.”


Dragging Buffy into another dressing room, “Okay Buffy, stay right here, I’ll be back in a minute.”

Buffy only has a few minutes to look around the room she’s in before Willow returns carrying an armful of clothes. “Got everything I need, now strip.”

Slowly and nervously she removes her clothing. When down to her underwear she turns to Willow who just smirks, “Keep going, I need you to take it all off.”

Now blushing very deeply, Buffy is soon naked before Willow. Willow smiles as she starts to dress her as she sees fit. A red leather mini-skirt that barely covers her ass, a silk blouse that you can see the outline of her tits through, a pair of red four inch heels, and a coat of red lipstick for her lips.

Standing back Willow again looks her up and down, “Hmm, looks right but something is missing. . . Be right back.”

It takes only moments before Willow enters the dressing room again, “Buffy I need you to close your eyes for this. I want it to be a surprise. “

Reluctantly Buffy does as she is asked and closes her eyes. Willow then gently turns her around and pushes her down onto her hands and knees. “Willow what are you. . .”

Ignoring the question Willow slowly lifts the back of the mini, exposing Buffy’s pussy, and starts to rub it gently. Lightly moaning Buffy starts to rock against Willow’s fingers but freezes as she feels a cock being thrust into her.

Buffy’s eyes shoot open only to see herself in a mirror with some guy behind her as he continues to thrust back and forth. Willow leans down near her ear and whispers, “Now it’s perfect. Look at yourself, you’re on all fours dress up like a whore while some stud you’ve never met before fucks you from behind. You are such a slut!” Willow’s eyes flash again giving power to her words.

Buffy feels a tingle go thru her before she starts slamming back while nearly screaming, “Yes! I’m a slut! Fuck me! I’m a slut! Fuck me!”


Does Willow watch or join in?

          Willow joins in.

          Double post ignore


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