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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 9


“Fine I’ll put on the stupid slutty dress.” Willow grumbles as she snatches it from Buffy’s hands and heads to the dressing rooms.

Inside she quickly strips down to her sensible white bra and panties before stepping into and pulling the dress up her body. Once it’s in place she feels a slight tingle run through her body.

Eyeing her reflection new thoughts run through her mind, “Might look better if my bra wasn’t in the way.”

Moving the dress just enough she unhooks her bra and lets it drop to the floor before taking a second look in the mirror, “Much better. . but,” Turning to see how the view from the back is, “Really can’t have any panty lines with this little beauty.”

Reaching underneath the hem she quickly pulls down her panties before kicking them away without a thought. Running her hands down her sides, Willow smiles lustfully into the mirror, “Yeah, that’s perfect. I look so good. . . so hot. . . so slutty.” Soon her hands are squeezing her tits and fingering her pussy as she grows hotter watching herself in the mirror.

A loud knocking interrupts her pleasure, “Come on Willow, have you tried it on yet or were you too scared to even try?”

Taking a moment to lick the juices off of her fingers Willow smiles, “Buffy. . .”


What does Willow do?

          Needs a little more shopping.


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