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Set during the ‘Will be done’ spell in ‘Something Blue’

The morning after she casts her spell Willow sits moping in the dorm room she shares with Buffy. “Come on Willow, I know what could cheer you up. Let’s do a shopping blitz at the mall.”

“I don’t know Buffy, I did kind of want to stay in today.”

“Willow just forget your troubles for a few hours and lets go blow some money.”


Later as they’re searching through various clothing racks. “Thanks Buffy I guess I needed this.”

“No problem Wills, anytime. Hey check out this one!” Buffy exclaims as she holds up a very short shiny black dress.

“Buffy, isn’t a little short? It only covers an inch or two past your butt. I mean really, anyone who would wear that dress would have to be an enormous slut.” Neither of the girls saw Willow’s eyes flash for a split second or the dress do the same as it became empowered with Willow‘s words.

Being a little offended Buffy snaps back, “Oh really, well I think your just to scared to try something like this on.”

“I’m not scared, but you found it, why don’t you try it on?”


Who tries it on?

          Willow tries it on.

          Buffy tries it on


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