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Internet Love Affair | katiebgood | 6


“So... that’s it?” She asked after several moments of soul searching. “It’s over… just like that?”

Hannah was beside herself. She knew she had been played, he had admitted that openly to her and she hated him for that. There was something about him, though, that continued to pull and tug at her… drawing her closer to the line she had fought so desperately not to cross. His words… his voice… no matter how much her brain protested, she was addicted to this man. She couldn’t wait to get her next fix and it infuriated her.

“Look,” she replied again, not waiting for his response. “I don’t know where to go from here.”

“What do you mean?” he replied.

*Give her enough rope and let her hang herself?* Hannah thought that must be what was running through Burton’s mind.

“Burton,” she replied after a moment of choosing her words carefully. “Regardless of what you intentions were… I can’t turn off the feelings I have developed for you like flipping a light switch. I just don’t work that way.”

“I know,” came the simple reply.

“Do you not want to talk to me anymore? Is that it?” Hannah asked then braced herself as she waited for the reply. The last thing she wanted to hear was that he didn’t want her anymore… if he had ever actually ‘wanted’ her in the first place. She thought she had developed the skill to read him behind his words but the truth was she read what she wanted out of what he had said. It was nothing more then words on a screen written by a stranger she had never met and would probably never meet but she wanted there to be more.

*Don’t give up on me, Burton.* Hannah whispered silently to herself as she glanced back over her shoulder at her husband sleeping on the sofa. *I need you.*


Does he cut her loose?

          Burton would think of letting her go


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