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The Lilith Strain | Lycanthrokeith | 5


It takes a tremendous force of will, but you manage to leap away from the looming grasps of the sex demons. Lynn ends up pulling the incubus into her, satisfying them both as his thick cock sinks inside her moist pussy. They moan and yell in deranged heat as you dive out the open door.

You land in a heap on the rough hallway carpet, the rug scraping your bare skin as you stay intent on hitting the ground running. Urgently, you make tracks to the emergency stairs, shoulder blocking the door open. You haul down three flights of stairs, yanking the tenth floor stairwell door open hard enough to dent the wall plaster.

You make a fast dash down the hallway, finding an unlocked janitor's closet. You open the door, finding it remarkably well kept. Several fresh towels and a mop and bucket rest inside, along with various cleaning supplies and a locker. You have just enough room to slip inside and take a seat on an overturned bucket before locking yourself inside.

You find a fresh towel inside the room, and take a second to wipe off your hands, chest, legs, and crotch. Then, and only then, do you let your fingers plunge inside of your pussy.

The encounter left you horny, and you have to take the edge off to think straight. The sensations are incredible, and you push up your left breast to lick at the stiff nipple as you vigorously rub your thick clit. You nearly have to bite your tongue to keep from moaning out loud; the last thing you want is to have anyone, human or demon, catch you in here!

Climax approaches quickly, driving you to the brink, as you frig yourself faster and begin craning your neck to suck your bud in earnest. Involuntarily, you think of Lynn and the incubus, and what you would be feeling right now, if you had stayed. Your fingers are the incubus' cock; your tongue, Lynn's. You explode in a white flash of light, drenching the bucket with your discharge as you ride the peaks and valleys of the most intense orgasm you've ever experienced. The power of it scares you; is such ecstasy possible for a human?

You settle back against the wall, still envisioning the sex demons, and your PC self. Even after all the terror, the heat begins to peak again. With a stern expression, you take your hands away from your body, clamping them firmly against the wall. Desperately, you try to think of bills, the weather, and what's on TV tonight, anything other than sex. You have to know if you can resist the urge to masturbate.

If you can't, at least you know you'll be an exceptionally sexy succubus in an hour or two...


Have you been infected?

          Yes, and you will not last long.

          It doesn't seem so, but more importantly you decide to get out of there for a safer location.


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