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Goldeneye | voidhawk | 5


Lying in bed, you began to wonder why your power didn't seem to work on Quatherine. Could it be harder to control more than one person at a time? Or maybe it had something to do with the age difference? You rapidly become frusrated; for all you know, your power might be affected by lunar phase, or even the tides! Your frustration quickly fades as the soft edges of sleep finally pull your eyelids down.

You sleep well, and wake up the next day refreshed and alert. Tossing the covers aside, you shuffle off to the bathroom. You let out a startled yelp when you see your reflection in the mirror. Chuckling to yourself, you remember your golden eyes. As you brush your teeth, you try to decide what to do with your day. You could just call Cyndi back and have some fun with her, or maybe try again with Quatherine. A moment of worry passes through you as you rinse your mouth out; what if your powers have any negative side effects? You feel all right, but then again, how many people can feel if they have a brain tumor, or some other affliction? You try to stay calm as you pace back to your bed.

Your mind finally made up, you reach for the phone at your bedside. You're going to call for a neurologist. With the headset halfway up to your face, a question pops into your mind; should you tell the neurologist of your powers? He or she might be able to help you focus them. Your lips pull back into a feral grin, it's not like you wouldn't enjoy the practice either.

Putting the headset to your ears, you listen to it ring. After about the fourth ring, a female voice picks up.

"Hello, front desk. How may I help you?"


Do you call for a neurologist, Cyndi, or something else?


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