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The Politician's Wife | SparkyMan | 3


Cyndi made it home without any further incidents. She was still very shaken by the events that transpired earlier in the evening. She couldn't understand her feelings, and more so, she couldn't understand her actions. Why had she behaved so wantonly? She didn't know! What bothered her the most, was that deep down inside, she had to admit to herself, that she enjoyed it, and was actually quite aroused by the whole thing.

As each day passed, Cyndi thought less and less of her transgressions on that eventful night. However, every time she did think about it, it warmed her body and made her juices trickle. Occasionally, she would masturbate, thinking about the handsome police officer that had pulled her over. However, as time passed, her image of him faded, and her imaginary sexual encounters with him dwindled.

Nearly three weeks had passed, and Cyndi was busying herself with packing. They were moving into the governor's mansion shortly, and Cyndi was left with the job of packing, while George, her husband was in the city, meeting with his support staff. The ring of the doorbell jolted Cyndi from her mundane tasks.

Peering through the peephole, she saw the familiar face of the postal carrier, Brian. Brian handed her a rather large, brown envelope, and had Cyndi sign for it. Brian wished Cyndi well in her new endeavors, as he returned to his carrier truck. Cyndi closed the door and examined the envelope. It was addressed to her, but there was no return address. She did not recall ordering anything recently, and wondered what it may be. Examining the envelope more closely, she saw red writing on the back, indicating that it was URGENT, OPEN IMMEDIATELY. Curious, Cyndi immediately ripped the envelope. Inside she found a VHS tape with a yellow piece of paper wrapped around it. Written neatly on the lined paper, were instructions to play the tape immediately. Still curious, Cyndi examined the tape, wondering what it might contain. She put the tape into the VCR and turned on the TV.

When the TV came into focus, and Cyndi realized what was playing, she fell back onto the coffee table, gasping, and covering her mouth in shock! On the screen in front of her, Cyndi watched herself stripping naked! It was a video of her when she was in the police car! The audio was apparently dubbed over; Cyndi could hear herself. "Anything! I'll do anything! Anything you want! You name it, I'll do anything!" Cyndi watched in horror and disbelief as she watched herself plunging her fingers in and out of her dripping wet pussy! Cyndi couldn't pull herself off the table. This couldn't be happening, she told herself, again! Her eyes went wide as she witnessed herself having an orgasm in the back of the car. Cyndi could hear herself moaning in the background, even through the drunken pleas, which were taped earlier. The image switched to another camera angle, repeating the whole process over again. Cyndi was sweating profusely now, as she watched the entire performance again, unable to break away from the trance that she was in. Over and over again, the images were repeated, drilling into anyone watching, that there was no doubt that Cyndi did this willingly, and obviously enjoyed it!

The phone was ringing, and Cyndi didn't even notice it. She had become so entranced by the audio and video that she was unaware of any outside sounds. It must have been almost ten rings before Cyndi even realized the phone was ringing. She jumped up and shut off the TV and the video. The phone had rung three more times since then before Cyndi finally grabbed the phone. "Hello," she panted into the mouthpiece.

There was a moment of silence, and Cyndi was about to hang up when his voice boomed through the phone. It shook Cyndi, and struck every nerve ending when she heard his voice. The officer's voice froze her in her tracks. Again, she was immobilized as he spoke. "I see you've received my present. Do you like it?"

Cyndi couldn't speak! She tried, but nothing came out! She wanted to scream! She still hadn't caught her breath; she was so dumbfounded.

"Speechless, huh?" He supplied the answer for her. "It wasn't really all that much! Since I have your attention, let me tell you the reason for the gift. Ever since that night three weeks ago, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. I kind of sensed that you felt the same. I created an insurance policy to make sure you would never forget me. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this insurance policy would ensure your future cooperation with me in our endeavors. I understand your position, and realize that you have no option, but to do as I say. Unless, of course, you want to throw away your marriage and your husband's political career, and your social status! Am I making myself clear?"

Cyndi still could not talk! She opened her mouth, but nothing came out! She couldn't believe what she was hearing! She was being blackmailed! What was she going to do? What could she say? What did he want of her? The questions were flooding her mind when, all of a sudden, she snapped out of her delirium.

"CYNDI!" The voice boomed even louder!

"Huh?" She finally was able to mumble something.

"Am I making myself clear?" He repeated his question, forcing Cyndi to acknowledge her plight.

Cyndi thought again! She finally was able to put two words together. "How much," she asked?

Mike chuckled, "It's not about the money! I don't need your money! There's not enough money in the world for what I have!" Mike paused, letting Cyndi absorb his statement. "You see, Cyndi! You will do as I say, when I say! Any failure to comply will result in that tape reaching your husband, the news stations, the tabloids, and the Internet!" Again, Mike paused, letting his statements sink into Cyndi's psyche.

Cyndi still could not speak, she was in a total state of shock. Mike's voice returned, breaking her out of her stupor.

"Cyndi! Go to the sliding glass doors by the patio!" Mike waited for her to comply.

Cyndi remained frozen in her tracks. She didn't move. His order hadn't registered in her confused mind yet. Cyndi's eyes were wide open, yet she saw nothing. Staring out into space, she finally realized what he had asked her to do! Where was he? How did he know exactly where she was? How did he know about the layout of her house? She began to worry! She began to realize that she had to do as he asked. Her curiosity also piqued, and she slowly made her way to the doors. She slowly peeked through the curtains to see her back yard! Cyndi scanned everywhere and saw nothing! Their spacious ranch backed up to a densely wooded area, offering them plenty of privacy. She peered through the curtain for any sign of the officer, or anyone else for that matter.

"Open the curtains, Cyndi! Stop peeking!"

Cyndi nearly dropped the phone when she heard his voice. She gained enough courage to talk now. "W-W-What do you w-w-want," she stuttered?

The voice on the other end suddenly changed. Cyndi sensed anger in his voice. "I already told you! NO MORE QUESTIONS! DO AS I SAY!" He was practically yelling at her!

Cyndi moved to the side and slowly pulled on the rope, pulling the curtain open. The bright light from the morning sun shone into the room, filling it with the sun's warmth! Cyndi continued looking around the yard for any signs of life.

"Step into the middle!" The next order came over the phone line.

Cyndi wearily stepped into the opening, continually trying to spot her tormentor, to no avail. She held the phone close, waiting for his next command. When it came, Cyndi's body, again, became frozen. Tears began to well up in her eyes, which were blinded by the bright light. He told her to strip again! Cyndi fought with herself, trying to decide whether she should oblige. Knowing her situation, she realized she had no choice, but to do as he said. She nervously scanned the area again, making sure no one else was around. She pulled at the sleeve of the sweatshirt she was wearing, switched the phone to the other hand, and pulled her other arm free. She then pulled the sweatshirt up over her head, exposing her sweating breasts, encased in a rather plain looking sports bra. The warmth of the sun now warmed her body, as Cyndi felt the sun's rays radiate heat throughout her exposed top. She flung her head, tossing her hair to the back as she returned the phone to her ear. She waited for him to speak again, but there was silence. She knew what she had to do! The top was simple! Her sports bra could be considered appropriate attire, but now she had to take her sweat pants off. The hundred times she already scanned the back yard wasn't enough! She found herself looking around again, making sure no one else would see her exposing herself. She pushed down the elastic of her sweats over her hips, and then stepped out of them, leaving them bunched up at her bare feet. She pulled up on the bands of the red panties, securing them in place over her hips.

Mike admired the wonderful view that lay before him. His video camera was well positioned to capture every detail of Cyndi's luscious body. He was careful to be out of view, and still maintain a good camera angle, despite the sun's glare on the glass. Mike could see the droplets of sweat beaded up between the globes of Cyndi's breasts. He watched in amusement as Cyndi's labored breathing evidenced her discomfort. He could feel his cock swell as he watched Cyndi disrobe, and as he realized the control he was going to have over Cyndi. He resisted the temptation to free his cock and stroke it to relief. "Take it all off," he spoke into the headset phone.

Cyndi despised the situation she was in, and was terribly worried that someone else would catch her in this lewd behavior. She slowly peeled the tight fitting top from her chest. Her tits popped free of their confines and Cyndi instinctively rubbed at the indentations made from the bra. The mix of the morning chill combined with the warmth of the sun caused Cyndi's nipples to immediately stiffen. Cyndi resisted her normally reflexive behavior to rub her tits. Cyndi then bent down, letting her tits hang down as she peeled the wispy red fabric over her hips. The panties joined the sweats on the floor, at her feet. Cyndi now stood erect, still looking for any activity. She again flung her hair over her shoulder. Goosebumps formed on Cyndi's legs as they became exposed to the morning chill. The patch of golden curls nestled between her legs glistened as the sun's rays bounced off her body. Suddenly Cyndi saw something, or was it someone move out of the corner of her eye! Just then the voice on the phone commanded, "Don't move!"


Who / What is it, and what does Cyndi do?

          The pool boy!


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