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The Experience | katiebgood | 1


At thirty-four years of age, Katie was well aware of the sexual adventures her body was capable of… or so she thought.

She and her husband watched various hard core porn movies together frequently, she had a few assorted toys that she used on occasion, she openly chatted online about her sexuality but even though her sex life was satisfying, she felt that something was missing… there was something more that she could be experiencing.

Katie had an online chat buddy, Sam. The pair talked about anything and everything no less than once a week. A few late night chats after the spouses and children were in bed and he soon became her sex coach. They engaged in deep sexual conversations and cybersex sessions which progressed from words on the screen to rendezvous in adult chat rooms and onto voice chat. Katie’s own husband was almost completely silent during love making so she found Sam’s vocalizations to be extremely erotic and slightly addictive.

It was at Sam’s suggestion that Katie and her husband experiment with anal sex. He gave her specifics on how to approach the subject, techniques and little tricks. She couldn’t wait to come back online and provide Sam with the details of the experience. She was proud of the sexual dynamo that Sam was allowing, even encouraging, her to become.

Regardless of Katie’s newly discovered talents, there was still one thing missing in the overall sexual experience. After all the years of marriage, the few sexual partners she had had before marriage (not that there were many) and even in her masturbation, Katie had never found her ‘G’ spot. The only orgasm she could have, or had ever had, was from clitoral stimulation. Albeit satisfying, Katie longed for what she thought she was being deprived.

She discussed it with Sam and he assured her that was not unique and more women than not had not experienced this either. However he knew where it was located, had no trouble finding it in his partner and explained to Katie how to locate hers and what to do once she found it. Taking his advice under consideration, Katie went online and done a little research of her own and found a site that explained… in great detail… where the mysterious spot could be found whether by herself or by her husband. She immediately sat down and emailed her husband (outright sexual discussion was considered taboo). She provided him with the link to site.

During the couple’s next love making session, Katie was surprised that her husband had indeed read the information she had sent. Their session went as it usually did…

He entered the bedroom after his shower to find her lying naked, waiting for him. Each would light a cigarette and watch a porn movie while allowing their hands to wander over each other’s bodies. This always led to Katie’s husband going down her. He would gently finger her clit until her pussy became went enough to insert a finger. This time was different…

He moved down between her legs, just as he always did and immediately began to lick from her clit, across her pussy and back to her ass. This sent shivers down her spine and she spread her legs wider for him. He flicked his tongue in every direction on the way back up and as he came close to her clit he quickly inserted two fingers in her already damp pussy. She moaned as he ran his warm tongue across her swelling clit. He dipped a finger on his other hand into her wetness and fingered her ass… she loved this so she tried to push back against his hand and force his finger inside but he backed it away. She whimpered in disappointment as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her pussy while he lapped at her clit with his tongue. Her moans and pants grew louder and more frequently as he worked her.

Suddenly, she felt a sensation that she had never experienced before during lovemaking… she had to pee. She always went to the bathroom before sex so she knew she didn’t have to go but the feeling was almost overwhelming. The sensation passed almost as quickly as it had come and it was replaced by a building passion she never thought possible. Yanking a pillow down over her face, so as not to wake the sleeping children, Katie released a loud, hungry moan as she thrust her hips upward toward her husband’s face. He reciprocated her arousal by sliding his finger in her ass. She squealed with delight as she hugged the pillow tighter over her face with one hand and pinched her nipples with the other.

“OH GOD!” her muffled screams could be heard through the pillow as she felt the urge to cry. The feeling was unbelievable and she wanted to beg her husband not to stop. She knew… or assumed… that she was in mid-orgasm but it was unlike the build up, build up, build up and then jerky SLAM of her usual orgasms… this went on and on as her husband worked his fingers inside her sopping pussy.

“Oh god,” she gasped for breath as he backed off slowly, allowing her to catch her breath. “I think you found it!”

He chuckled lightly as she eagerly took his rock hard cock down her throat.


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