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Internet Love Affair | katiebgood | 3


Not being a novice to the game, Burton knew what most of these cybersluts wanted. They wanted to hear sweet words, flattery, and all the other crap that they weren’t getting at home from their husbands or boyfriends. They wanted him to make them feel special, like they mattered, like they were something other than a willing participant when the mood hit their significant others that they needed sexual release… he would give them that and so much more until he had them eating out of the palm of his hand and Hannah would be no different.

No, Hannah would be easier. Her inexperience and desperate need for attention would draw her in faster than any before. A little charm, a little smooze and she would be exactly where he wanted her to be.

“There’s my best girl,” he greeted her with a cheery disposition.

“Hiya handsome,” she eagerly replied.

They briefly chatted about the day’s events in her mundane and trivial life. Burton could have cared less and wasn’t even half paying attention but Hannah was none the wiser. She was gobbling it as fast as he could feed it to her. She went on about her husband… the sap… and her bratty children but Burton continued to feign interest as he mentally noted any and all pertinent information that he might find useful later.

“You deserve better then what you are getting at home, honey.” He said to her on numerous occasions.

“He doesn’t mean to be neglectful; he just works so hard…” she would defend her husband. “I just wish he would talk to me.”

“I can be everything for you that he isn’t,” Burton would tell her as his grip on her became tighter and tighter.

“You mean so much to me,” Hannah said.

“I know…” he would say in response, not committing to anything. “I would treat you so much better than that,” Burton would pretend to comfort her. “You would never want for anything if you were with me.”

Hannah’s couch potato of a husband was totally oblivious to the fact that his loving and devoted wife was being seduced away from him by another man… buy words on a computer screen and she was falling for it hook, line and sinker.


Where do they go from here?

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