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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 12


The three girls enter the room to find Andrew sitting with a smug smile on his face, “Hello Faith. Are you enjoying you time in Rome so far?”

“Oh yes, I can’t remember when I had such a ‘pleasurable’ time. I believe I owe you some thanks.” Faith purrs as she saunters over to him, “Would you like me to ‘thank you?’ Please let me ‘thank you.’”

Swallowing a slight lump in his throat, “O-Okay. . . Do you want Buffy or Dawn to join us?”

“Not just yet let me show you what I can do solo first.”

Andrew follows Faith into the bedroom with a parting comment to Buffy and Dawn to play with each other till he gets back. Inside the bedroom he takes his pans off and beckons Faith over.

Faith smirks presses her body up against his, take a hold of his cock and squeezes. . .hard, “If you call out to them I’ll rip it off, understand?” A nod, “Good boy, now you are going to tell me how to reprogram that wonderful machine over there or do I have to make my own fun?”


Does Andrew give in? How would Faith reprogram it?



          He doesn't tell her everything

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