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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 11


The world came back to Faith as the headset was lifted off. Blinking for a few seconds she saw Dawn and Buffy, both naked, starting to un-strap her from the chair.

“No, turn it back on!” She cries out as she tries thrusting her hips in an attempt to make the chair work again.

The sisters share a smile before Dawn speaks up, “We’ll turn it back on later, but first Andrew wants to see how your doing.”

Undoing the last strap and helping Faith to stand on unsteady legs Buffy smirks, “I told you, you’d love it.”

“Yes you did. So I guess I owe you then.” Faith then pulls an unresisting Buffy into a passionate kiss while squeezing and pinching her nipples. Buffy moans and starts to finger fuck Faith as they make out.

Dawn just watches the scene for a moment before she slap both slayers on the ass, “You two can do that later but first Andrew is waiting.”

Reluctantly pulling herself from Buffy’s arms Faith smiled, “Yes, lets go see Andrew.”


Did Faith's conditioning work?


          Somethings not quite right.

          YEs it did

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