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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 10


Faith slowly came to. She soon realizes that she is naked and strapped into some kind of chair with dildos filling her pussy and ass.

Hearing a moan she looks to the side to see Dawn in a similar chair, something covering her head with a dildo pumping in and out of her mouth and another pumping her pussy. All the while moaning as she sucked and thrust her hips back and forth.

“Oh good your awake. I didn’t want you to miss the best part.”

“Buffy? What’s going on?” Faith lets out a small gasp as Buffy attaches something to her nipples.

Leaning in close Buffy whispers, “Trust me Faith. You’re going to love this.” After a quick kiss to unresisting lips Buffy fits the head piece over her head blocking out all sight and sound then gently forces the dildo into her mouth before turning the chair on.


Sitting back and watching the chairs do their job on Dawn and now Faith, Buffy couldn’t help herself as she started to masturbate to the sight.

“Very good Buffy. Was there any problems?” Andrew said from the doorway with a smirk as he watched the activities.

“None at all. I used the drug just like you told me. Are you pleased?”

“Yes.” She quivers with pleasure with that word. “How long is Dawn going to be? I’m in a good mood and feel like celebrating.”

“She should only be a few more minutes I can hardly wait. Would you like a blowjob while you wait?”

In the chair Faith lets out a repressed moan.


Play with Buffy and Dawn or wait for Faith?

          Time for Faith to wake up.


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