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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 9


Faith enters the apartment while dropping the few bags carrying her belongings, “Hey B, why didn’t you pick me up at the airport?”

Pulling a bottle of wine off a shelf Buffy looks embarrassed, “I’m so sorry Faith. I was in the middle of something and totally flaked on the time.” She holds out a glass of wine to Faith, “Drink?”

“Hell yeah, but you got any ‘real’ drinks? Not this fruity wine stuff.”

“Sorry not at the moment, but try it anyway you might like it. Besides we’re in Rome and ‘When in Rome. . .”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah ‘do the Romans.’ and all that shit.” She takes a healthy swallow. “Hmm, kind of sweet. So where’s Dawn at?”

Covering a smile at watching Faith drink the wine, “You don’t have to worry about her. She’s just finishing something and we’ll see her later.”

Finishing her glass Faith sat down on the couch and sighed, “So no one has time to meet little old Faith. A girl could feel unloved.” She shakes her head a bit, “I think that wine is going to my head.”

“Oh it’s not the wine, it’s what I put in it.”

“Wh. . .what did. . . you do?”

All Faith can see is Buffy gently smiling at her as she blacks out.


What does Buffy do to her?

          Buffy puts Faith in the chair


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