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Assexomon | moonblack | 6


As she was thinking Tammy suddenly got an idea that sounded like fun.

“Hmmm, I wonder if I can make her skirt invisible?” But then she realized she didn’t remember the exact words and also didn’t know if the spell will work on something that is not living. She looked at Cindy again. “Doesn’t look like she’ll be going anywhere. I’ll just go and ask the book.”

Tammy ran back inside the library, passing Beth on the way, who was still trying to find her, and went to the book.

“Is there something else you wish, Mistress?”

“Yes, there is. There is a girl who’s skirt I want to make invisible. Will that be possible?”

“But of course, Mistress. If that is what you wish.”

“Yes, it is.” Then she noticed something. “Wait a second. I thought I was invisible. How can you see me?”

“I can always see you, Mistress. But only I. For everyone else you are completely invisible.”

“Good. Now, about that spell…”

“The incantation you need is nearly the same as the one you used. Just think about the object you want to make invisible and say this: 'low oak son do me ra dos ton tina porta vea ness sar liss'. The object affected will turn invisible, but it can still be felt by people touching it.”

“So Cindy won’t know anything and will think her skirt is still hiding her private parts. Excellent. Now, what to do with you? I can’t leave you here. Someone else might find you.”

“Actually, Mistress, I took the liberty of making myself invisible. Only you can see me, at least until you give me another order.”

“And when did you do that? When you told me the words for making myself invisible?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Very good. But I am still taking you with me. This way I won’t have to come back here every time I need a spell.”

Tammy picked up the book and went back to where Cindy was. As she expected the girl was still there, reading some book.

“Alright, let’s see if this works.” Tammy cast the spell as she had been instructed by the book. Cindy’s skirt became first transparent, and then completely invisible. Cindy kept reading, not noticing anything. With the skirt gone Tammy saw that the rumors were true. Cindy had nothing underneath, no panties anywhere in sight, and with her legs spread wide her pussy could be seen by all. Tammy saw it is shaved clean. A few of the students passing by noticed Cindy’s pussy and stopped to stare at it. This attracted the attention of more students and soon there were several groups looking at Cindy’s pussy. Most were male students, but there were also some females. A few people took out cameras and started taking pictures. Cindy remained oblivious to the world around her. She finished reading, closed the book, got up and started walking towards the library. After a few steps she finally noticed that everyone was staring at her and with a puzzled expression looked at herself… and noticed that her pussy and ass could be seen by everyone. Confused because she could still feel her skirt on her skin she ran into the library desperately and unsuccessfully trying to hide her ass and pussy.

“What now, Mistress? Shall we follow her?” Asked the book.


What now?

          More fun with Cindy


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