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Ultimate Fanfiction | headcase01 | 5


Set after the events of S7

"So what no more Hellmouth?" asked Dawn looking over into the hole that once was Sunnydale, "It's really closed?"

"I'm not really sure, I presume so." replied Giles pushing up his glasses.

"Well I don't really care, I've saved the world now I'm taking a break." said Buffy.

"hey come on guys this is a big deal we saved the world again and this time we didn't just bring down the school, we brought down the whole town." Xander stopped, noticing the way the others were looking at him, "Ok it sounded like a good thing in my head."

"Well I'm ready to get outta here," said Faith, "Got to go somewhere the cops can't catch up with me."

"Fine we'll head out in a minute, I just want to take a moment to enjoy this." said Buffy stepping forward to the edge of the great hole that had once been Sunydale and looked in.

"A guys whats that?" Buffy asked.

Giles, Xander, Willow, Dawn, Faith, Kennedy & Andrew stepped forward and looked over the edge.

"I'm really not sure." said Giles.

"It' looks like a wormhole, like the one on Deep Space Nine." said Andrew.

"Yeah it does kinda.........No thats just stupid." said Xander.

"Maybe not, That much mystical energy could have done all sorts of thing it could have fully opened the Hellmouth or it could have even opened a gateway to an other universe." said Giles.

"Well it's getting bigger." said Kennedy starting to back away.

Suddenly the hole rapidly expanded and began pulling everything around it in and one by one the gang were all sucked in.

So what kind of alternate world will they end up in, maybe one where Willow is still evil or one where Glory rules or where the Trio were successful in making Buffy their slave or where Buffy was never brought back from the dead or maybe just the classic evil universe.


Which alternate reality do they end up in

          Slayer world

          the classic evil universe

          Buffy is in Hell

          Alternate Options


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