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My Wife's Little Sister | dixie50 | 12


I opened my eyes and looked over at Sarah. She was curled in a ball, still covered with the satiny sheet. She was breathing slowly and evenly. I looked at the clock. We had been asleep nearly two hours. I crept out of the bed and threw on a robe. I didn’t want to wake her while I was preparing for our next adventure.

I walked down the hall and into the kitchen. I fixed a snack of fruit and cheese and thought about what had taken place over the past hours. My mind was reeling. I had never cheated on Rachel and cheating on her with her sister was the last thing that I could imagine myself doing. I put Rachel out of my mind and walked back to Sarah. While walking past the living room, I saw the glare of the television. I chuckled to myself, the movie started this whole process, but we never even watched it!

How did I want to awaken her and what should I plan after she was awake? I thought we should freshen ourselves for our next encounter. I went into the guest bath. It was beautiful. A large, oval Jacuzzi sat in front of windows that stretched from ceiling to floor. Tonight, the stars were bright and the moon was full, bathing the room with light. A small gas log fireplace was in the corner. I lit it and the dancing light from it created an incredible effect.

I filled the Jacuzzi with water; the temperature was perfect, and I had scented it with lavender. A new bar of soap, with lavender oil was unwrapped. I walked back into the bedroom and picked up the chiller holding the champagne. I didn’t want to startle Sarah, so I went to the patio to pop the cork. After filling two flutes, I set the bottle in the chiller and placed it beside the tub. Now, I wanted to wake up Sarah.

I picked up the flutes full of champagne and carried them over to the side of the bed where Sarah was sleeping. She was turned on her side, facing the edge of the bed – she was in perfect position. I held the champagne up to her face and the bubbles began to tickle her. She opened her eyes, smiling lazily at me, wiggling her nose. She sat up, baring her breasts. “I’ve never had champagne before,” she said excitedly. I handed her the flute and smiled, “You’re having a lot of firsts tonight, aren’t you?” She took the flute and said, “Cheers,” and took a sip. “Ummm.”

“You hungry?” I asked. She looked up at me mischievously and said, “Of course.” “I mean for some real food,” I said while shaking my head. She saw the snack plate I had put together and she crawled out from under the sheets and picked up a piece of cheese. Then she nibbled at an apple and sipped some more champagne. I marveled at how beautiful she was sitting there on the bed, crossed legs, naked, without any inhibitions. A few short hours ago she had never shared her body with a man. She fed me some fruit and cheese, and then I urged her out of the bed and into the bathroom. Once again, it was a beautiful setting for two lovers.

“I thought a bath might feel good to both of us, “ I said. I slipped off my robe, and she came up behind me and gave me a hug, kissing me down my back. I poured her another glass of champagne and told her to go ahead and get in. I had one more thing that I wanted to do. I went to the bureau and took out a down comforter and put it on the quilt warmer.

When I walked into the bathroom, Sarah was reclining in the tub with her eyes closed, sipping her champagne. Her hair was thrown on top of head with short wisps around her face. The water lapped at her breasts. The moonlight shone on her creamy skin and created another breathtaking sight. Sarah poured herself some more champagne. She blew a kiss to me as I slid into the water opposite her. I noticed her face was flushed, probably from a combination of the champagne and the warm, steamy water.

I sunk lower into the tub and stretched out my legs. I could touch Sarah’s pussy with my toes, and I slowly started rubbing her lips. “Mmmm, that’s nice,” she cooed as she slipped down deeper in the water and guided my toe inside her lips. Before long she was moaning; she finished her champagne and set down her glass. She made her way across the tub and snuggled with her back against me. She perched on my semi-hard cock as she reached back and pulled my mouth against her neck. Her breasts rising from the water, I reached around to rub her nipples between my fingers. I didn’t want this to go too far, just yet. I wanted this to soothe her.

I picked up my glass and drained the last of the champagne; cupping my hands, I filled them with the warm water. I let it flow over the back of Sarah’s neck. Then I rubbed the soap between my hands and sensuously massaged the silky foam up and down her neck. “That feels wonderful,” she whispered in a deep, sexy voice. I worked my way around to her chest and continued the massage over her breasts and nipples. The oil in the soap left her skin slick and shiny. I thought about how it would make our bodies feel later, when we were making love. I became harder thinking about it.

I proceeded down to her stomach and played with her navel as she pressed her back harder against me. I massaged her thighs with the soap. She drew up her knees so I could wash her legs. My hands edged down to her calves and then to her ankles. Finally, I reached her feet – washing between her polished toes. I had saved the best for last, and she was anxiously waiting for my attention. She turned around to face me. She put her lips on mine; then plunged her tongue into my mouth and I sucked it until I didn’t have any breath left. She knew what was next. “Are you ready?” “Do you have to ask?” she replied.

My hands were shaking. I couldn’t wait to touch her again. I turned her around, and rubbed the soap between my hands. They disappeared under the water and found her magnificent pussy. She twitched and moaned as I slowly rubbed her inside and out.
I didn’t linger; she seemed disappointed. Then I quickly ran my finger up and down her crack. Now she was clean and fresh from head to toe.

When she realized I was done, she took the soap from my hands. She started with my chest, working the lather into the hair and across my nipples. She trailed the path from my navel to my crotch and slid her hands up and down my cock. A moan came from my throat. She worked her way down my legs to my feet. Then she washed and rinsed my back and finally ran her finger along my crack. She smiled and said, “All done.” We kissed and hungrily clung to each other; loving the way our wet, slick bodies felt against each other. I felt her shiver. The water had cooled, although our bodies were hot. I drew her close to me. “I think it’s time to get out, honey.”

I stood up and my cock was at just the right level for her. She reached around and hugged my legs and softly planted kiss after kiss on my penis. It started to respond, but I chose to step out of the tub and wrap a towel around my waist. Sarah looked puzzled. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.”

I walked quickly to the bedroom and took the comforter from the warmer. I carried it back into the bathroom and extended my hand to her. She rose from the water, her body glistening in the glow of the moon; she took my breath away. She stepped from the tub. I opened the comforter and wrapped her in its warmth. “Ummmm. The perfect ending to a wonderful bath.” I picked her up and carried her to our bed. She snuggled into the warmth as I retrieved the champagne and our glasses from the bathroom. I filled our glasses and handed one to her. I tipped the glass toward her, “ To the most desirable woman I’ve ever known.” Our glasses touched and we drank leisurely.

She unwrapped the comforter and displayed her body, every inch of it. She reached out and unknotted the towel around my waist; it fell to the floor. Sarah looked pleased. I crawled onto the bed and knelt between her feet. She separated her legs, making room for me. Then she bent her knees, giving me a perfect view of her intimacy. She was about to put the glass with the final bit of champagne in it onto the bedside table, when she hesitated. As a second thought, she emptied the glass on her stomach, filling her navel and running over her clean shaven lips. She licked her lips with her tongue until they glistened. I bent down to lap up the champagne. “Sarah, I want to devour you, but you’re so beautiful I don’t even know where to begin.”


Will we finally have intercourse?

          Sarah becomes a skilled seductress


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