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The Lilith Strain | Lycanthrokeith | 2


You decide to put your artistic skills to work. Hell, it beats waiting for something to come after you.

You take a pencil in hand and sit down at your drafting table. You make a quick sketch of your naked self, being as honest as possible. Slight paunch, not much in the way of muscles to speak of, but you make it a point to draw in your decent sized cock. It's one aspect that your girlfriend Jessica has always been proud of.

Slowly, you begin to modify the drawing. First, you add muscle tone and definition, trading the beer gut for a six-pack. You erase the normal eyes, drawing in the slit-pupiled ones, and add strokes to the ears to form pointed tips. You draw an open mouth to illustrate fangs and the snake tongue, and extend the nails into wicked-looking claws.

The phone rings while you draw. You smile when Jessica's number appears on the Caller ID.

"Hey, Jess," you say. "I was hoping you'd call."

"Yeah. I wanted to come over for a while. All this sex demon business, well, it's making me kinda horny."

"See you in a half hour." You hang up, smiling at the thought of unexpectedly getting lucky. All thanks to the Lilith Strain.

You begin to get strangely excited as you draw, so you fasten the paper to the board with tape. You continue to draw with your right hand, while your left reaches into your sweatpants. Moaning as you draw, you increase your pace when adding length to your cock and weight to your balls. You shade your skin with the edge of the pencil, to represent the deeper hue. A long, curling tail is added around your muscled thigh, while you pencil in folds to represent your reptilian wings. A long pair of horns completes the demonization, along with a mane of hair down to your ass, just for lust effect.

All told, you'd make a damn handsome incubus. The thought of fucking the life out of someone, of using your tail cock and forked tongue to gift them with eternal lust, turns you on even more. You lean back in your leather chair, pulling down the waist of your sweats to expose your cock to the air, rolling your hand around the bulging head.

You moan so loud, you don't hear the door opening. Through your lustful haze, you remember that Jessica has a key.

"Baby?" Her voice sounds much different, somehow sexier.

"Jess? I'm in the bedroom," you say, grinning mischievously. "C'mon in."

"Oh, I'll cum in, all right." She rounds the corner, slowly, sensuously. "I'll cum in, and give you the best fuck of your life." Your cock throbs like a divining rod as she comes into view.

Your smile fades at the sight of her. More specifically, at the sight of her folded wings, the swishing cock-tail, and the deep red skin. You shudder at the touch of one of her claws against your sack, though you can't tell if it's from fear or arousal.

"Jess! You're..."

"A succubus, baby! Damn, I could smell your cum all the way down the hall." Her attention turns to your drawing, beside you on the desk. "Good," she purrs, kneeling down to level her mouth with your erection. "I was afraid you wouldn't understand," she moans, licking up a drop of your pre-cum with her forked tongue.


Let Jessica suck you off, or try to escape?

          Embrace your lust...

          Get the hell out!


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