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Moonlust | Lycanthrokeith | 1


It?s been a full month since the strange animal attacked you in the forest.

The bites and scratches healed quickly. The mental scarring is still with you. Every night, you see the massive beast plowing right through you, its claws digging into your shoulders as it bit into your flesh. Thank God for the ranger that shot it off of you.

The dreams became more vivid as the nights wore on. The attacker was hazy, fuzzy; it looked at first like a large dog. The beast didn't just attack, it tried to...hump you would be the best explanation. Every dream became more graphic, more erotic, as it descended from base contact to heavy petting, from muzzled oral pleasure to full-on mounting.

You began waking in a warm sweat, soaked in cum from your own nocturnal emissions. As the days progress, you found yourself thinking more and more about sex, with men, women, and even wild animals! You began wearing fewer clothes, and masturbated more frequently.

You sleep through the next day; the last dream was the most bizarre. You finally got a good look at the beast. It stood almost eight feet tall, with a thick pelt of fur covering its massive musculature. A lush tail swished behind crooked legs, and wicked claws extended from its curving fingers. The head was lupine, with a full wolf's muzzle, salivating and packed with predatory fangs, and conical ears. Its eyes were purest amber. A thick mane hangs down to its ass, halfway in texture between hair and fur. You strain to tell its gender, trying to discern either the six breasts and furry slit typical of a she-wolf, or the six normal nipples and sheathed, triangular-headed cock and furry sack of a male. Somehow, you know the difference.

The werewolf (you have no doubt that is what faces you) bows its head, as if in apology. In your dream state, you know why; it should have completed you when it bit you. Because it did not mate with you, it took you longer to become, and it could not claim you as its mate. You are free, to take pleasure from and to infect as many as you see fit, but you may never take a mate. You are a lone wolf.

You smile, knowing what it means. You approach it in nakedness, the full moon looming over you both. Quickly, you both descend into a frenzy of licking, sucking, and rutting, all the while growing fur and a tail and snarling through your thickening teeth. The changes are pure sensation, almost as wonderful as the carnality, and you long for your body to shift more and more. The more furiously you rut, the more quickly you transform, until you have become a werewolf yourself, of opposite gender to your lover.

It bids you to go, and find humans to satisfy your lust...

You awaken to the sensation of an orgasm, drenching sheets that already cling to your naked body, and yell, almost howling, in ecstasy. Immediately, you start masturbating again, desperate for another wave of pleasure.

The heat in your body turns to searing flame, as the full moon glows through the open curtains of your apartment window, bathing you in its light...


Do you turn into a male werewolf, or a female werewolf?

          You are a bitch.

          It's a boy!


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