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Adventure in Gwaydor | Xilef | 4


You're a little shocked, you know some about what man and woman do. It's not possible to live in a castle and not know that. But what can a woman do with a woman?

But the prospect of your brutal new husband, and the promise of your maid that she will 'ready' you for him make that you give in and nod. “Yes, do what you can" you whisper.

The woman smiles and takes the shift away from you again. You stand naked in the room, shivering a little. The maid steps a little back and looks at you, her eyes roaming over your young body. “You’re beautiful, my dear” the woman whispers. You look down at your body, at your small boobs and the pinkish nubs which top them.

Beautiful? Nobody told you that before, father always called you skinny, and your brothers where never very complimenting either. OK, you’re husband told you so, but only in court making, and you thought he didn’t mean it. Didn’t he marry you for your money and your estates?


Does the maid strip too?

          Pleasure unexpected


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