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A Medieval Adventure | Xilef | 3


The rest of the evening Garin keeps ogling, and sometimes touching the busty maid, looking forwards to the 'best service' of the house. The girl 'seems to look forwards to it also, the way she sways her hips, waggles her big tits and lets him pinch her full bottom.

Close to midnight the knight makes for his private room, number 13. He takes off his traveling clothes, washes up a little, and puts on a fresh shirt, just to have something on while he wanders to room 7.

At midnight he sneaks out of his room. The noises of late visitors of the bar room below drift up, but the knight walks silently to the indicated room. Being careful he listens at the door. It's seems silent in there, or does he hear soft sighing? He grins and opens the door.


What does he see?



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