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The Sisterhood | cvn88 | 10


"So," you ask, still talking about Bethany's pet. "How is he?"

"Oh, he's always been great in bed, but so much more so now that he focuses on pleasing me. Did you know he's the reason I'm a Sister?"

"No! How did that happen?"

"Well, Paul is editor of the campus paper, and I am a reporter."

"Wait, you're that Bethany Turner! The one who exposed the cheating scandal with the athletic department? I rememebr reading your stories about that."

"Yes, that's me. I had plans to be an investigative reporter some day. Well, i still do, but only to help spread the Sisterhood's influence. But back then I was looking to expose scandals and corruption, andthat's what attracted Paul to me - I liked his intelligence and good looks. One day, while we were talking in the newspaper office and planning a date. he mentioned he had become aware of a group of women on campus who might be more than they appeared and might be involved in something sinister. This was the Sisterhood, though I didn't know it at the time. He made it sound like some sort of drug ring, or maybe prostitution or something like that. He got me interested, so I decided to investigate.

I was so foolish. I really thought I could investigate the Sisterhood without being caught, but Christine realized what I was up to right from the start. They caught me trying to sneak downstairs to investigate their rituals. They were just going to make me a pet, but when I fought back and tried to escape and warn people about them, they admired my spirit and decided I was worthy of becoming a Sister.

They had just initiated somene, and had to wait a day before having the power tobring me in. I still don't know how they kept my presence here hidden, but the next night they brought me into the Sisterhood. I don't need to tell you how wonderful it felt, or how grateful I was. The next morning I went to Paul. He said he'd been frantic and worried. He seemed so weak and pathetic, I wondered what I'd ever seen in him. Still, he new about the Sisterhood and had to be neutralized. So I made him my pet right there, even though it nearly exhausted me given the low level of my powers as a new sister. It was nice though, as he dropped to his knees and vowed to serve me for all time, and like I said, he's much better in bed now.

It turns out his source was the ex-boyfriend of one of the Sisters, who knew nothing about us but just wanted revenge for being dumped. We were so pissed at that jerk. I mean, if he had gone to someone more important than Paul, who kowns what would have happened. So we made him a pet, and had him jump off a bridge. As far as I know they still haven't foudn the body. Though now at least we know to be more careful when we leave our old lives behind to join the Sisterhood."

You take all of this in, with your main reaction being that your Sisters let that jerk off too easily - he should have suffered more for what he had done. Still, the Sisterhood was safe, and that was all that mattered.

Glancing at your watch, you realize the time for the meeting is fast approaching. Yu ask Bethany if she is attending, but she says she's never head fo the man you'll be discussing and couldn't add anyhting. Only Sisters with relevant informaton need attend,t he rest will rest and recover from your transformation.


What happens at the meeting?

          Test. The sisters need to make sure that your transformation and assimilation is truly complete.


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