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The Sisterhood | cvn88 | 9


With an hour before the meeting, you make your way upstairs, exchanging greetings with other Sisters as you head to your room. Once there, you enter, to be greated by another of your new Sisters.

"Valerie, hi! I'm Bethnay Turner, your rommate!" the blonde greets you with a hug and a smile, which you return.

"Bethany, I'm so glad to meet you!"

You look around the room, which resembles a typical university dorm room. There are two beds, desks, and wardrobes, though no bathroom. (You later learnt he Sisterhood uses communal restrooms and showers/baths.) Half the room, your half, is bare, while the other is decorated with posters ofmale singers and actors, some stuffed animals, and other feminine items. You wonder why there are no obvious signs of Bethany's Sisterhood, then wonder why you wonder, given all the information about the Sisterhood you are already aware of.

Noticing your look of bewilderment, Bethany comes to your rescue.

"Don't worry, Valerie. This is normal. Sisters might be superior, but we're still human and our brains can only hadle so much. Especially with your case, where a whole new set of female memories is needed. We're each given a basic knowledge of Sisterhood history, an ingrained sense of loyalty and dedication, and, like I said, for you, a new identity. After that, we have to learn on our own, helped sometimes by linking with other Sisters. We're Sisters, but we're still individuals, after all."

"Thanks, Bethany, I was worried for a moment."

"No problem. After all, Sisters help Sisters!"

"But why the decorations. It seems, so, well, average?"

"Sometimes we have to let non-Sisters or non-pets have access. After all, this is a public university, and we don't want to arouse suspicions. We're still quite a ways froma chieving our true place atop the world order, and it would be foolish to risk Patriarchy retribution at this stage over some trivial mistake."

"I understand, but if anyone were to spot something, couldn't we just make them a Sister or a pet."

"Well, as you'll find out not everyone is worth of being a Sister. Some girls are just so, well, weak, and others aren't suitable for other reasons. And it takes a lot of power to convert a man. Why, for you it took us nearly a year to identify you as a potential Patriarchy recruit and make sure they had not contacted you yet. Then it was weeks before we had the power to convert you. When we have more Sisters this will be less of a problem, but for now, we move slowly. And as for pets, we can only have so many of those, for the same reasons."

You nod in agreement. As you've been talking you've been strolling about the room. Stopping in front of Bethany's desk, you see it covered by class-related texts and notebooks, and a picture of Bethany with a handsome man. She's smiling at the camera, while he gazes adoringly at her.


"Pet, actually," Bethany smiles, "but to outsiders yes, Paul is my boyfriend."

Pets are something you are aware of. Each Sister has the ability to enthrall a limited number of men or women, making the subject very docile and obedient. Pets will gladly do whatever they are told, from physical labor to life-threanting taks, to lots and lots of sex. You imaging various men you'd known as pets, and smile with arousal.

"He's cute - do you mind if I try him out at some point."

"Of course not! I mean, before I became a Sister we had planned ot get engaged, but now he's just a pet - it's not like I love him or anything. Besides, what kind of Sister would I be if I dodn't share my pet with my own roommate."

The two of you laugh joyfully, as you realize yet again how wonderful it is to be a Sister.


So, what happens next?

          Brief info about Bethany and Paul

          Wedding plans?


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