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A Medieval Adventure | Xilef | 2


The girl who walks over to him first seems to be too young for him. She looks at him a little nervous. "Do you want something?" she asks. Garin's eyes wander over her body. Freckles on her nose, light brown eyes and auburn hair, tied back in a small tail. Her breasts are small, making little hills in her white blouse, but the fabric is soft and tight enough to reveal the erectness of her nipples. Her waist is narrrow and the skirt flows out nicely over round hips.

On second sight, the knight thinks, she may be more interesting than I first thought.

"Can you give me a nice mug of ale, some good food and maybe a place to sleep tonight?" Garin asks, laying his hand on her bottom. The girl smiles and, as expected in this kind of inns, doesn't seem to be worried by his hand on her ass.

"The ale is good, the food passable, but a sleeping place? That's something not so eachily achieved here ..." and with that she turns, escaping the hand and walking away.

The knight stares at her swaying bottom. Not easily achieved? What does this girl mean?

A few moments later she returns with a mug and a plate with bread, cheese, a bit of undefined meat and a large potato. "Here you are" she says.

"And the bed?" the knight asks.

"Not tonight, sir, all rooms are full."

"Do you know an other place where I can stay?" Garin asks.


What options does she give?

          She offers a place at her house

          She suggests the stables


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