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Vegas Vacation | analplay | 5


When you all split up after dinner, the girls headed for the theater in the hotel, to try to get tickets for the show that was currently running- some sort of magic show.

“Two tickets for tonight’s show, please,” Tracy asks the man behind the ticket window.

“Sorry- tonight’s show is sold out.”

“Sold out- damn. I really wanted to see the show.”

Katie pipes in, “Do you know if there’s any other shows around that might have tickets available tonight?”

The man replies, “Not likely. Most shows are sold out at least a few days in advance. We’re booked through next week. You might wander around and see, though. You never know- you might get lucky.”

“Well, thanks for the help,” Katie answers. To Tracy, “You want to walk down the strip, and see if there are any shows open?”

“Sure,” says Tracy.

The two girls walk out through the cold air of the casino to the hot night air of the Las Vegas strip. They wander into a few casinos, but always the situation is the same. All sold out. Try back next week. They are about to give up and head back to the hotel when a sign catches Katie’s eye. It is in front of a small, 2 story, beat up building. The sign says ‘All Male Revue.”

“Hey Tracy- how about that?” Katie says, pointing to the sign, grinning.

“A male strip show? I dunno. Seems kind of raunchy. And the place looks like a dump.”

“Oh come on, live a little. At this point, it’s this or nothing- just going back to the hotel and watching a movie. We might as well check it out. And anyway, as soon as they got rid of us the boys probably headed right out to a strip club. At this very moment, some big breasted stripper is probably shaking her goods in Kevin’s face. Why shouldn’t we have some fun too?” Katie asks.

“Alright, fine. We can go have a look. But if I say we go, then we go. Got it?”

“Sure, whatever you say. Let’s go in.”

Tracy and Katie pay their cover charge, and are escorted into a dark club, with a stage at the front. They are seated at a small table for 2, near the front of the room. A rather hunky waiter comes over and takes their drink order, and they down their first drinks waiting for the show to begin. Finally the lights come up on the stage, and out come a group of large, muscled, good looking men. The men are shirtless, and their chests are oiled down. They begin dancing on stage, and are soon stripped down to nothing but g-strings.

As the show progresses, the men work their way through the all-female audience, flirting with the women, allowing the women to rub their bodies, collecting dollar bills in their g-strings. It doesn’t take long before Tracy has no thoughts of leaving. One stripper stands facing Tracy, shaking his hips in her face, while Katie watches from behind. Tracy starts running her hands over the large bulge in the stripper’s g-string, tracing the outline of his cock, while Katie caresses the man’s ass from behind.

Before long, the strippers have removed their g-strings, and are now dancing around completely naked. This really gets the women going, and as they walk through the crowd the men have their asses grabbed and pinched, and their cocks pulled and stroked by many hands.

Katie, who is quite drunk by this point, says to Tracy, “Hey, watch this,” before getting down on her knees in front of one of the strippers, and giving his cock a big, wet kiss, right on the head. Tracy, who is equally drunk, and who doesn’t want to be outdone, takes one of the stripper’s hands, placing it on her chest over her shirt, while she reaches down and stroked his cock. By the end of the show both ladies have their hands down their own pants.

When the show lets out, Katie and Tracy stumble out onto the strip, wasted and horny. They head back to the hotel, and up to the rooms.

“Trace- you think the boys will be back soon?” Katie slurs, standing outside her door.

“Nah, if I know them, they’ll be out most of the night. Why?”

“You feel like coming in and watching a movie?”

“I dunno, Kate- after that show, I think there’s something I need to take care of!” Tracy replies, giggling.

“Yeah, me too. And I’ve got just the thing. Come on in.” Katie says.


Will she come in? What happens inside?

          The girls rent an adult movie


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