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The Sisterhood | cvn88 | 5


Even as you finish speaking you are aware of new thoughts, new knowledge flowing into your mind, becoming part of you.

It is the memory and knowledge of just what the Sisterhood is and what it stands for.

You now know that the Sisterhood is ancient, older than recorded history itself. From its ancient beginnings it has had one goal, to achieve power over the peoples of the earth, bringing order where there is chaos, unity where there is divisiveness, control where there is independence.

The Sisterhood’s power waxes and wanes over time in a varying and irregular cycle. When its power grows, it seeks new converts and attempts to achieve its ultimate goal. In periods of lessened power, a select few bide their time, keeping faith and preparing for future glory.

Many times, the Sisterhood has been on the brink of achieving its goals, but each time it has been thwarted by a foe nearly as old as itself. This group of men calls itself the Brotherhood, but is known to the Sisterhood as the Patriarchy. These misguided souls seek to prevent the Sisterhood from achieving power, claiming that humanity works best when left to develop without order or control, and the millennia of human misery and suffering does nothing to change their views.

It has been long since the cycle favored the Sisterhood. Minor resurgences in the past century led to the suffrage movement and later the so-called Women’s Liberation movement, but even these were perverted by the Patriarchy to prevent any real power from coming to deserving Sisters.

At the end of the last upwards cycle, however, brave and courageous Sisters discovered a means of finally defeating the Patriarchy, removing its opposition forever, and leaving the way clear for the Sisterhood. For they discovered a means by which men could be brought into the Sisterhood, made to understand the righteousness of its cause just as had been done with countless women over the ages.

And now is the time for the sisterhood. Here at your very school it has begun to emerge from its period of dormancy, ready to take advantage of another upwards cycle of power. Over the past year, Sisters have carefully recruited among the female students, selecting those most likely to favor its goals, and initiating them as new Sisters. Finally, enough were brought in so that the power existed to test the concept of initiating a man. And for this, you were chosen.

For yours was not a random selection. You were identified as someone destined to join the Patriarchy – not a leader, but a soldier opposing the Sisterhood nonetheless. If you could be converted, brought into the Sisterhood, made to aid your other Sisters, then any Patriarchy agent could be. Eventually, the Patriarchy could be assumed into the Sisterhood, and the ancient goals could be achieved.

And it has worked. As you look at your new Sisters you smile yet again. For you are one of them, body, mind, and soul. You long for the day when you and your Sisters take their rightful places of power, and bring to the world what it has been missing for so long.

“Sisters, history will show this was the day of our triumph,” Melanie says to all, as she sees you indeed are a true believer. “Let us welcome our new Sister, and plan for our inevitable victory.”


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