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The Sisterhood | cvn88 | 3


"I'm . . . I'm sorry" you manage to gasp, even as the enrgy in the room flows through you. "I . . .I like being a man - please, for the love fo God, don't do this to me." <P>
The girls just smile, and in unison say "God has no place here, only the Sisterhood. Join us, Sister." <P>
With that their eyes glow even brighter, and you feel the energy even more clearly. Still hoping to somehow escape, you brace yourself for pain, but instead, feel pleasure. Pure, wonderful, unadulturated pleasure, the likes of which you've never imagined. Your fears and doubts vanish, your perceptions dim, until the pleasure is all you know. Rather than resisting, you welcome it and submit to it, regardless of the consequences. <P>
It seems like an eternity later when you finally become aware of your surroundings again. The room. The girls. You. But its all different now, you realize. It's <I>better</I> than it was. You look up at the others and, smiling, enter into your new life.


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