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Innocent Mom | maple970 | 11


Once she had finished rinsing the soap of herself, she and I switch places so that I could now use the water for the shower. Things continued uneventful, until I was washing my self with the soap, and could not reach my back with the soap. Noticing my predicament, she offered to wash my back for me, and took the soap from my hands. She then presided to lather her hands with the soap, instead of using a wash cloth, and began to move her hands up and down my back. The touch of her hand suddenly awoke my once limp penis and soon all I could think was how much I wanted to turn around and continue where I had left off. But, I would not need to worry about that, as I was about to have my wish made, but the most unlikely of thing happened. The soup running down my back, had caused the shower floor to become slippery, and when I stepped back, to allow her to reach my shoulders, I slipped. This caused me to fall backwards onto my butt, which also caused me to trip my mom who was facing me to fall forward. When things had settled I had my wish come true, we had fallen into a sixty-nine position, with her face pressing against my cock, and my face pressing against her tight as. I nearly lost my load right then and there, when I realized what had happened, and new I could not let this new opportunity to pass me by.


Should I let loose or wait for something else to happen?

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